

Active Member
Hi, my seedlings will be starting to veg properly soon and would like to know more about trich's and they're colours. I've read that you should really harvest when they turn milky, but how come when I see photos of weed the trich's are nearly completely amber. How can that be when most people harvest when milky or just a little amber. I always thought you should harvest when around 80% amber and some people think i'm bonkers for thinking that. Most weed I buy has mostly amber trich's too. Unless they turn more amber when chopped.


Active Member
I think I am being confused with pistils actually I typed trichomes in google images and it came up with all the close ups of trichomes but when I typed in pistils it was showing me the brown hairs which are obviously pistils. I think i'll invest in a scope for before harvest. Is it better to harvest by looking at trich's or pistils.


Active Member
Thanks buddy you really helped me out on this one. I'll get one of those scopes when I get paid again. I was looking at them at one point but never got down to buying one, I only wanted one to look at the kief I collect but now i've got more of a reaon to buy one.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's really amazing the detail you can see with one of those scopes. Looking at Kief would be awesome good idea!