Trichomes before buds?


Active Member
Ok this may sound odd I'm doing a Rubbermaid CFL grow and so far so good 3 plants 2 of which are Indica (Very short/Bushy Green and fat ass leaves)
And the others a sativa (Tall Thin leaves)
Anyway They are all about 5 weeks old now and Still very short(The Indicas) I put them into flowering about 2 weeks ago.

Well anyway I wake up today and check on my girls to see if they are showing sex yet and to check ph and if they need water.

Well so far I cant tell what sex they are but I noticed shiny specs on the indicas upper fan leaves So I got out my Magnifying glass and I noticed the Indica's fan leaves are riddled with what appears to be trichomes... My question is if they show trichomes before Sex is that pretty much 100% Female?