trich and white hairs %


Well-Known Member
Sorry i posted this in general mj growing firs then i saw this forum topic sp yea this is wher eim am.

Im growing 1 white widow in soil under 400w hps, im looking to harvest a litle early in the ripening stage so the plant is at its maximum thc content with low cbn cbd levels. i want a uplifting energetic high but i wnaqt it to be a little stoney. There is still tons of white hairs theres prolly only 15 percent amber hairs and the trichs are getting mostly cloudy. What percentage of white hairs and cloudy and amber trichs should i be looking to harvest at for the light stoney, mostly engertic uplifting trait i desire. Anyone who has experimented with different harvesting times and techniques, please share with me your experiences and feelings on how it really is

Thanks everyone



Well-Known Member
its mostly determined by strain but you should harvest when most of the trichs are cloudy.
that looks like a while from now though.
harvesting weeks earlier wont do you good.
you should wait until the last weeks to decide, thats usually when most trichs will change colors/cloudiness.


Well-Known Member
dude definately wait with the widows. itll be a stoney high no matter what with that bud. trust me ive tried. harvesting early will just be less harvest for you to smoke :(