Tri-Leaf Seedling? (Pic)


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah I wasn't stressing, I just figured some genetic mutation like 1 in 250k probability or something. Weirded me out knowing out of a couple dozen seedlings that the strain I crossed popped out mutated. All is well though. Thanks D

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It's called whorled phyllotaxy.
[h=2][/h]Sometimes they grow out of it other times not. I have heard that they are largely male plants but IDK if this is true. My first one was a hermaphrodite though go figure. I have one now too, not sure of the sex yet.


Well-Known Member
In my personal experience, my 3 Leafers (Mutant) were girls....pretty sure the mutant had nothing to do with sex though, I just got lucky. Like Pipe said....some grow out of it, some grow crazy. I've had a couple who grew out of it like getting burned with the lamp, and I've had some who grew like I monster cropped them. Play it by ear (or sight :P) and see how it turns out √


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input.

I'll be keeping an eye on the mutant.

I'm guessing there's gonna be a pretty good chance that it turns out to be hermie because I took hermed Platinum Cherry Pie pollen and crossed it with a couple Cannatonic's.
Round of applause if it turns out female, learning experience of cross breeding for future reference if it's male.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Here I found an article about it. It also mentions the mostly male theory there.

For breeding purposes there was a thread over at the Mr Nice forums that a member there bred these and got pretty consistent results. He even has 4 leaf phenotypes. All 3 of mine only showed the characteristic while growing and not all nodes were affected, but started out as normal sprouts. A pic of mine can be seen by clicking my profile.

IMO, the trait just causes too much growth for it's own good, and it's too chaotic and condensed to improve yield or anything unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
What a weird genetic mutation in general.
It's funny how in a couple decades, people like us will be considered the pioneers of this industry. The people in their closets, tents, and backyards.. Growing it before it goes mainstream and starts commercially being grown by our governments and scientifically researched on a large scale.