trey gowdy is the worst cat

Completly concur on religion and cult. Im not anti religion by a long long shot, sometimes while smoking i scetch eastern orthodox icons, etc. I just find the blending of the two so intertwined dangerous... as in when a political party becomes a religion is the problem..

Separation of church and state, anyone?

Seems familiar somehow...

Where HAVE I heard that before?
This is an excellent description of their level of brainwashing and resistance to facts.

The cult of Chump...
how is it different than a cult of bernie or a cult of hillary ? there is no middle ground anymore.i dont remember politics being this cut n dry when i was 25 -35.before the internet news and youtube flat earthers peope could disagree and still have normal lmao at this crap.
you got outwitted by a klansman because you are in the cult and immune to reasoned thought processes.

and you suck at building retaining walls.
how would we know if the opposition is all retarded.we would need you to make all our decisions from now on? oh my :o
I was pondering this phenomenon, i come from an am a member of an ancient traditional faith, one where we beleive in authority in certain Church leaders that comes grom the divine. Now most of these trumpster evangelicals would call that balderdash even sacrilege.. i know iv been told it. However they seem to easily accept the GOP leadership as holding divine authority. As nothing gets mumbled out of their lips weather it be trump, hannity, rush, mcconnell, whomever that they all instantly and ardently even uncompromisingly beleive it, even when it conflicts with what another of their apostles said, they see no conflict Even when it goes against a long time position of the party until recently they will act as if they never ever beleived that...

Ever remember arguing free trade with a conservative pre trump?

Ever remember when the right hated Russia?

Ever remember them saying that there was a need to not seperate your faith from your voting positions before Pope Benedict lectured them on preserving and protecting the enviornment? And all the sudden you could separate them, or could hold a personal position different tban your public?

Ever remember them supporting Trumps anti interventionist rhetoric, after being a very hawkish gang for a long time, only to cheer on and beg for more after uncle trumps firework show as after dinner entertainment in Syria?

And they immedietly accept the new position every time without question, or hesitation...
you do realize maddow and cooper have pulled you into their web of lies right ? why is comey running from mueller lol.

So McCain, Grahm and Burr are following Rachael? So Amash and Rubio are Cooper fans? Kashich while hes just a nut job... lmfao.

All the smoke around this, if roles were reversed yawl would be talking a firing squad for treason for Hillary...

The conpiracy bull shit yawl beleive about the Clintons without so much as even wanting to see a shred of evidence nor even a lil bit of smoke..and youll beleive literally anything said about them, as long as its nefarious and dark, and you think theres nothing here?

Why because honest don says so? Jesus Christ why destroy a political party with beautiful roots to eisenhower and Lincoln for this Ompa Loompa? Why? What spell does he have over you all?
So McCain, Grahm and Burr are following Rachael? So Amash and Rubio are Cooper fans? Kashich while hes just a nut job... lmfao.

All the smoke around this, if roles were reversed yawl would be talking a firing squad for treason for Hillary...

The conpiracy bull shit yawl beleive about the Clintons without so much as even wanting to see a shred of evidence nor even a lil bit of smoke..and youll beleive literally anything said out them, and you think theres nothing here?

Why because honest don says so? Jesus Christ why destroy a political party with beautiful roots to eisenhower and Lincoln for this Ompa Loompa? Why? What spell does he have over you all?
i think trumps an idiot.but i equally believe hillary had alot of shit to hide deleting tens of thousands of emails and smashing multiple phones.they are all pretty sure a group of teens could do a better job of running the gov and balancing the budget then any of these morons.buck and his group would have you believe hillary was an honest woman and could have done an awesome job as president lol.wheres the dog barking video lol.all these old white dudes in both parties running us into the ground,keep pot illegal,life long politicians,they are all scum.we should have term limits and also age limits for all gov positions.why should i let some 75 year old dickstain call the shots for me? they are not anywhere near "in touch" with reality of how america has progressed.they are all stuck in the 50's in their fucked way of thinking.but im also against asswipes going out to protest free speech and burning shit and flipping cars,breaking windows in storefronts.rubber bullets and billyclubs is how you deal with those morons,its all they know.give em violence
i think trumps an idiot.but i equally believe hillary had alot of shit to hide deleting tens of thousands of emails and smashing multiple phones.they are all pretty sure a group of teens could do a better job of running the gov and balancing the budget then any of these morons.buck and his group would have you believe hillary was an honest woman and could have done an awesome job as president lol.wheres the dog barking video lol.all these old white dudes in both parties running us into the ground,keep pot illegal,life long politicians,they are all scum.we should have term limits and also age limits for all gov positions.why should i let some 75 year old dickstain call the shots for me? they are not anywhere near "in touch" with reality of how america has progressed.they are all stuck in the 50's in their fucked way of thinking.but im also against asswipes going out to protest free speech and burning shit and flipping cars,breaking windows in storefronts.rubber bullets and billyclubs is how you deal with those morons,its all they know.give em violence

physically destroying old communications devices is actually the government instituted protocol for disposal of said devices, you jew-hating retard.