Trek 'n' Toke: First-Time Grow

Trek n Toke

Intro and Background

Hi to all of my fellow ganja-lovers!

First things first, I'm new to the forum so I should introduce myself. I'm a university student, a gamer, amateur DJ, and a habitual cannabis user.

The idea behind this grow first emerged when a friend gave me some seeds, which I germinated at home. Sadly, although my parents were (amazingly) fine with me growing it (South-Africans ftw), I didn't want to get a proper grow underway until I had the privacy of my own place. My first two experiment plants are now happily in my garden living out their lives, although due to the British weather they will most likely not survive much longer.

Fast-forward to present-day, and I'm in the early stages of my first proper grow. This forum was an invaluable resource and provided me with enough information to get off to a good start, but I'd love a bit of advice, and I figured a grow-journal was the best way to keep it all in one place.

The Grow Setup

Due to the obvious security concerns of growing bud, especially in a rented property, I'm having to keep this one small-scale. At the moment I have two Seedsman White Widow feminised growing happily in my wardrobe under a ballasted 400W dual-spectrum light. I've got all the basics down as far as I can tell: thermometer (I keep the plants around 27 degrees Celsius), fan to keep them cool and strengthen stems, some generic tomato-feed (which I hear is good for marijuana plants), and I've foil-coated the inside of the wardrobe (dull-side out to prevent burning).

The seeds were planted on the 8th of October and so far seem to be doing extremely well! They're certainly growing much faster than the generic seeds I had back at home.


Which brings me to the questions I need help with.

1. Although I'm using 'miracle-gro' compost that supposedly has nutrients in it already, when should I start feeding, how much and how often? The plants get around 1.5-2.0 litres of water a day, and the recommended dosage on the Tomorite is 20ml per 4.5 litres of water. I've heard of people starting theirs on 1/4 dosage, then 1/2 and moving up to full after a couple of weeks.

2. I know that it's possible to stunt the plants by turning the light on during their night-cycle, but is the reverse true? Is it bad for the plants to keep them in darkness for, say, 24 hours, at this stage of their growth? Basically I'm asking this because I need to hide them for 24 hours and the only place I have is pretty dark.

3. Assuming all goes well and I get a crop from these in around 12 weeks, how much yield am I likely to achieve? I'm a soil-grower, it's Seedsman White Widow feminised, they are under 400W HPS/dual-spectrum and getting plenty of CO2 as they live with me in my room :) The higher the yield the better obviously, but I'm after the absolute maximum I can get as I'm growing mainly as a money-saving exercise.

Thanks in advance for any help, I'll keep updating with new pics each week!



Trek n Toke

Hey all,

Just noticed that there's a rule about not posting in people's journals without permission. Well you all have my permission, post away!

I also noticed there is a separate forum for grow-journal discussion, so if I'm supposed to start a discussion thread there please tell me and I will do so.