trees in the trees...south florida


Active Member
got to love this grow ''''''
how does it look from far away (no need to post that pic...) but does it look blended with the trees...... maybe cover the pots with birds nest looking twigs
they blend in. i spray painted the pots camo to help. ;)


Active Member
anyone? i do have a hydropnics stor close by that i can get nutes from too. i dont want to make it complicated though. just one nute for veg and one for flower.



Active Member
I wouldn't switch over to bloom fertz until you have "tops" or white pistil clusters forming on most of the upper half of your plants. If you start bloom fertz too early you will suffer from nitro deficiency.
thanks for the tip. continue to use veg nutes? i use 1tbsp/gallon 1x's/ week.


Active Member
they look like they're stretching a lot and not getting much direct sunlight. looks like you have a lot of "suckers", or branches/leads that will never produce very much and are just sucking energy away from the plant. You may want to consider pruning the smaller "suckers" and only leaving the 3 or 4 strongest tops


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tip. continue to use veg nutes? i use 1tbsp/gallon 1x's/ week.
yeah 1 of mine started flowering and I gave it bloom nutes......bad idea it started sucking the nitrogen from the leaves BAD.......So with all the rest I am going to wait until they have about nickle size buds on all the main tops and then start the bloom nutes.


Active Member
they look like they're stretching a lot and not getting much direct sunlight. looks like you have a lot of "suckers", or branches/leads that will never produce very much and are just sucking energy away from the plant. You may want to consider pruning the smaller "suckers" and only leaving the 3 or 4 strongest tops
they may be stretching a bit. they get plenty of direct sunlight but they are in trees so there is some shade throughout the day depending on the position of the sun. there is no way around it for me. im growing these for p[ersonal use so im not looking to produce several pounds. ill be happy with whatever the final product is.


Active Member
btw...i oredered tiger bloom off ebay yesterday. once i start with bloom nutes should i continue to feed 1x/week as i have or should i increase frequency?


Active Member
what signs would i be looking for that would encourage me to increase or decrease? this is my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Ok so heres how I do this. Im a Fox Farm user myself. I slowly work my way up to 1 tablespoon right before and up to the first or second week of flowering. Let the plant tell you how much food she needs. Nitrogen is a mobile nutrient. That means the plant will take the N and move it throughout its many fan leaves, using the energy where it is most needed. If you Have Yellow bottom leaves or fading leaves, you are running out of nutrients. Now if the tips are burnt or yellow/brown then you need to ease up on the food and flush. And flush good. I fnd its important to flush the tiger bloom out at the end but not everyone will agree with me. Im just offering you my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't switch over to bloom fertz until you have "tops" or white pistil clusters forming on most of the upper half of your plants. If you start bloom fertz too early you will suffer from nitro deficiency.
I agree with Fresno. If you dont have enough N, Your yield will suffer.. But if you give to much N, I find its effect the tastes of the overall product


Active Member
i started the tiger bloom yesterday at ~1tsp/gallon.
the plants have some nice bud formation already. i will feed a t1tsp/gallon 2x's week for a few weeks then increase to 2tsp/gallon and see how they like it. they have been in flower for about 3 weeks. the kc-36 has the most dense smelly buds out of the 4 plants. im shocked that they flowered so early. i was planing to start another plant as a late starter but i guess i cant? if i do wont it go right into flower? ill get some updated pics this week.

oh, my great white seems to dry out faster than the others. i think it may be getting more direct sunlight. i added more medium to the top of the pot hoping that would help hold onto the moisture. this will be fine correct?


Well-Known Member
Honestly i dont know if the extra soil will help retain moisture but it might if you keep it extra wet.. I really dont know ive never done that. But as far as you starting another plant you most definitely can. Im down south by you and we get plenty of flowering light into december. Ive seen sativa finish around january so its definitely possible. Make sure its indica dominant though. Or a nice and fast sativa