Treating MG deficency in young plants. Foliar vs soil feed


Hello! Looks like my three weeks young girls have some medium MG deficiency. Grown in soil 6.4-6.9, watering with ph balanced water, started to gradually introduce nutrients couple of days ago. T. -25-28 C (a bit to hot, but have grown this strain before, was ok). Going to transplant them in air pots in couple of days, and start to introduce some flowering nutes.

Should I introduce Mg with help of Epsom Salt (MgSO[SUB]4[/SUB]·7H[SUB]2[/SUB]O) through soil or foliar feed?


In pics situation looks better than it is.

Topic when problems started to emerge -

We thought it may be minor mut lockup caused by overwatering, but looks like no the case, `cause I`m watering 2-3 times a week with little amount of water when soil is crusty.


Active Member
little amount of water when the soil is crusty? You want a runoff to make sure everything is flowing through proplery and nothing is sitting creating salt buildup


True, runoff was problem at the beginning due to to tight pack soil.
Just replanted in air pots and added more perlite.

Any other suggestions?


Active Member
if i were you id add some domolite lime in there to balence the ph out in the MG soil, other than that should be fine