Well-Known Member
Marry a slut and you can go slumming every night!Everyone likes to go slumming once in a while.

Marry a slut and you can go slumming every night!Everyone likes to go slumming once in a while.
Is it necessary to offend an entire religion in order to get back at this individual?jesus sucked a mean dick i bet. i mean, look at all the gaylords who follow him.
you mean a cult of deluded morons?Is it necessary to offend an entire religion in order to get back at this individual?![]()
Your cult of deluded morons is as deluded and moronic as mean a cult of deluded morons?
as long as they try to keep pushing their fairy tale onto the rest of us, i will be sure to mock them for the retarded fuckheads they are, collectively and individually.
lol! No doubt! I love it when the rocks start flying inside the glass house!Your cult of deluded morons is as deluded and moronic as theirs.
just like it's always the girls fault for getting raped.
lol ... cnWhat the hell are you talking about? Dad, you're a sick little fuck. Please get some help. I love you.
My daddy has been sick for a couple years. We've tried to get him help. He takes his medication for a couple days and then tosses it away and goes back on the whiskey and meth. He has this crazy idea that Christians are going to hurt him and he's frightened of them.
Please, Dad. There are no Christians after you. Honest. Please put down the whiskey and meth and come home to us.
As you all can see, my father is very ill. He thinks Jesus is after him. Please help us.
jesus is just your imaginary friend, but people with imaginary friends do some retarded things in addition to having retarded beliefs.You're breaking my poor heart, Dad. Please get some help. Jesus is not after you. Please.
While I agree the trial will enlighten us all, it is my duty to investigate. How I do so is at my soul discretion. Why follow a strange man down a back path to an apartment building!? I would have installed HD cameras. When I play the footage in court, your attorney will whisper, "I think we should approach the state about an accord." You're alive, and paying for your crime. It is not my duty to follow you...Unless I'm stupid.If someone is acting suspiciously in YOUR neighborhood, which has had a string of burglaries, HELL YES you have the right to observe/follow! Let's not forget that this type of thing is always risky, so you do so at your own peril. Just because YOU aren't the type of individual who is concerned with the safety and security of YOUR OWN neighborhood, doesn't mean that there aren't others out there who are concerned and take an active role in trying to keep it safe. We are all different Buck.
Again, if I am acting suspiciously, I might argue that it is YOUR DUTY to follow me! Whether or not you are armed is a personal choice and subject to your local laws. Look, do I think Zimmerman fucked up? Yes I do! Does that mean I think that he is 100% to blame for this. No I do not! I cannot be certain of Zimm's actions or motives, just as I cannot be certain of Martin's. We shall see what the trial and evidence tells us.
Why did you picture me naked below the belt? Do gay you gay have gay an gay issue?If all you are wearing is a shirt, then yes, you would raise my suspicion. Hell I might even walk up to you and demand to know what you are up to, what you gonna do? Try to bash my head into the sidewalk? LOL
Unless your just standing your ground.You are within your rights to follow me and question me about my affairs. I am within my rights to ignore you and proceed on my way, or to ask you what business is it of yours. I have no right to assault you for being an asshole. I have no right to bash your skull against the sidewalk, and if I do assault you and bash your skull against the sidewalk you have every right to defend yourself.
If you assault me and try to murder me then, yes, I shoot you dead.Unless your just standing your ground.What if your armed? Then you shoot me dead. Then say whatever the fuck you like about the situation...
After provoking an altercation. GAAWWWD BLESS AMERICA!If you assault me and try to murder me then, yes, I shoot you dead.
Shut up! Grown ups are talking. Go back to your crazy, little shit.If some guy attacks me and I'm armed, I'm gonna shoot him.