Did Zimm chase somebody around with a gun?
Did Zimm chase somebody?
Did Zimm take a hit of amazepam? Was Zimm "drug addled"?
"Vigilantes" call in pot holes?
Neighborhood watch is a vigilante organization?
Marie, you have quite a vivid imagination. Is that a Romanian trait?
I hope you are joking and did not send this douche money....@ desertdude..intentional or unintentional?
Along with many others, I have sent money to Zimmerman for his defense.
aderall (amphetamine) twice a day. you should listen to the interrogations so you don't sound like such a dumbass.
vigilantes are hyper sensitive. residents complained of zimm following them home. that's vigilante behavior, right along with chasing down assholes that always get away.
he wasn't on watch, remember? otherwise he shouldn't have been carrying his gun or done anything besides call the police from the safety of his truck.
you are aware that marie and romania don't bother me, right?
unlike when we point out how much of a DEA rat you appear to be, which you tell us to stop doing often.
silly rat.
I don't believe you..you cannot be that dumb or naive. What does Sandusky have in common with Zimmerman?
which he then used to pay off his credit cards and grocery tab.
Oh, that's right, you are a member of the white male club.
Who ever locked the thread Unclebuck is a fucking idiot needs to lock this thread, because he is proving it correct.
Oh, that's right, you are a member of the white male club.
I don't believe you..you cannot be that dumb or naive. What does Sandusky have in common with Zimmerman?
and your worldview is on par with a white supremacist. which is worse?
He's a Jew with a uterus, get it right.
you want to disagree with recorded conversations of zimm telling ms. zimm to pay off his sam's club debt with the "defense fund" money?
shouldn't you be working?
So you agree with Uncle Buck that people in the USA are guilty until prove innocent. Nice.
I've seen some dick heads on forums, but this guy is is a real prize.
So people are guilty until proven innocent in your America. Nice.