trayvan martin

I know If I was yelling help while pulling my weapon, the yelling would stop mid-word once I pull the trigger and that deafening boom rings out. The whole world goes silent.

too bad the police and zimmerman's family describe a more cogent conversation than the desperate cries for help we hear that experts say did not come from zimmbomb.
I personally can't wait for Zimmerman to get butt banged by BIG BUBBA!!! And if the justice system fails he better get federal relocation & protection, cause his ass is grass if he gets away with this! And just cause you're a "thug" doesn't mean you don't deserve your life.
too bad the police and zimmerman's family describe a more cogent conversation than the desperate cries for help we hear that experts say did not come from zimmbomb.

No expert can say who made the screams. Your guy isn't even certain.

I have heard people make the strangest vocalizations in life threatening situations that would freak you out.
And I'll add that Zimmerman is such a punk ass beeyotch that he never would have approached a real thug!
No expert can say who made the screams. Your guy isn't even certain.

I have heard people make the strangest vocalizations in life threatening situations that would freak you out.

the experts can say who wasn't making those screams.

i didn't think making sandwiches for the men folk doing the combat counted as life threatening.
i mean, put yourself in the other person's shoes.

you're just walking to the store/park/home and someone in a car starts following you slowly. you look behind a few times and wonder what the fuck this person is up to. eventually you take off, and the person gets out of their car and starts following you!

at this point, i would be in total self defense mode. is this guy trying to abduct me or something? what the fuck is this dude doing following me and chasing me?

You make legitimate points that I agree with. I would be freaked out too. Where you go off the rails is when you make up shit out of thin air about what happened next.

Here is my made up scenario:
Zimmerman: I am part of neighborhood watch. We have had a bunch of burglaries around here lately. You mind telling me what you are doing around here?
Martin: That's a relief. You had me pretty freaked out by following me. I am headed to my dad's place. I am just coming back from the store.
Zimmerman: Oh, OK. Well, I already called the police, they are on the way so do you mind hanging around till they get here?
Martin: Sure, no problem.

Nobody gets shot. Nobody gets their head bashed into the sidewalk. A perfectly legitimate and reasonable exchange between strangers.

Zimmerman had every reason to suspect Trayvon was up to no good. The neighborhood was plagued by burglaries, that is a matter of record. Zimmerman was the captain of the neighborhood watch. Zimmerman was on his way to the store when he spotted Trayvon; he wasn't "on duty" but that doesn't mean that he should ignore a suspicious guy who seems to be casing houses for burglary.

You can be pretty sure that Zimmerman is going to testify that his opening line to Martin was something along the lines that I made up, if he got a chance to say anything at all to Martin.

Martin reacted by assaulting Zimmerman instead of just saying, "I am on my way home to my dad's place". The rest is history.
I don't give a shit if you're green with chartreuse polka-dots. It's fucked up.
ok I had to google what that would look like and I would have to disagree on if someone was colored chartreuse polka-dots..thats just to weird..hmmm I guess I would just have to get used to it, but damn
Cool. I'm an idiot for having an understanding that stopping mid-word when a gun is discharged proves nothing. Either party could have stopped yelling help mid-word.
no you are an idiot for thinking that Zimmerman has any ground to stand on after he was told to not follow and for prejudging Trayvon. He should have took his woman beating, wannabe cop, no job having ass home.
You make legitimate points that I agree with. I would be freaked out too. Where you go off the rails is when you make up shit out of thin air about what happened next.

Here is my made up scenario:
Zimmerman: I am part of neighborhood watch. We have had a bunch of burglaries around here lately. You mind telling me what you are doing around here?
Martin: That's a relief. You had me pretty freaked out by following me. I am headed to my dad's place. I am just coming back from the store.
Zimmerman: Oh, OK. Well, I already called the police, they are on the way so do you mind hanging around till they get here?
Martin: Sure, no problem.

Nobody gets shot. Nobody gets their head bashed into the sidewalk. A perfectly legitimate and reasonable exchange between strangers.

Zimmerman had every reason to suspect Trayvon was up to no good. The neighborhood was plagued by burglaries, that is a matter of record. Zimmerman was the captain of the neighborhood watch. Zimmerman was on his way to the store when he spotted Trayvon; he wasn't "on duty" but that doesn't mean that he should ignore a suspicious guy who seems to be casing houses for burglary.

You can be pretty sure that Zimmerman is going to testify that his opening line to Martin was something along the lines that I made up, if he got a chance to say anything at all to Martin.

Martin reacted by assaulting Zimmerman instead of just saying, "I am on my way home to my dad's place". The rest is history.


there was not going to be any civil conversation. zimmerman had already profiled martin as an asshole and a fucking something or the other.

the only person who will be able to testify about what was said right before the scuffle is dee dee, and she says that martin asked zimm "why are you following me?" to which zimmbot replied "what are you doing here?" and then a scuffle breaks out.

the prosecution has already tipped its hat that zimm's account doesn't match up with zimm's account or eyewitness accounts, which we knew since night one thanks to serino. zimm won't get on that stand if he knows what is good for him.

you mad bro?