trayvan martin

dude has no regard for human life, his history proves that. but this is more of a heat of the moment type thing, so manslaughter it is.

i'm certain you would say that if this was your own son.
What history?:?

My "son" wouldn't be involved in a situation like this. Nice try.:clap:
Sorry, guns don't kill people. So FACT is that the gun wouldn't kill anyone, but with about 200 Million guns privately owned in America and a total of about 700 ACCIDENTAL FATAL SHOOTINGS PER YEAR. Comes to about 1 death in 286,000 firearms.

Did you know that 56% of all Gun shooting deaths are suicide!!!!! OMG that makes your statistic look pretty stooopid.

Did you know that approximately 35 times as many children die each year by drinking undersink chemicals in the home as compared to total deaths from all age categories from accidental shootings? 35 times as many. Chew on that one for a while.

lol @ massive deflection.

that gun in your house is more likely to end up being fired on your own family than any intruder. happy now with the phrasing?
or maybe a meddling kid.

and don't come back at me with locked cabinets. i picked my parents' locked cabinet to get their weed when i was a younger guy.
Bad things sometimes happen......that's life!

Find me a kid who can pick a gun safe lock! lol! A liquor cab & a gun safe aren't the same my friend.
Bad things sometimes happen......that's life!

Find me a kid who can pick a gun safe lock! lol! A liquor cab & a gun safe aren't the same my friend.

There are tutorials on youtube:

Bad things sometimes happen......that's life!

Find me a kid who can pick a gun safe lock! lol! A liquor cab & a gun safe aren't the same my friend.

all true, and i have no problem with gun ownership, just pointing out that the gun will be used more often to kill a family member than an intruder.

truth sucks sometimes.
I like her. She doesn't put up with any shit. The ex-lawyers of Zimmerman seemed to be pretty impressed with her too.

the immediate facts and interview with zimmerman lead serino to want to go forward with manslaughter.

a more thorough examination of the facts leads corey to pursue murder in the second degree.

the more that comes out about this, the more it stinks. can't wait to hear what the real facts of the case are.
Seems all the Trayvon blamers are waiting for their new talking points from Rush and Faux News.

There are tutorials on youtube:

That's a trigger lock, not a gun safe. Trigger locks are nothing more than a glorified bicycle lock. Again, totally different.
Seems all the Trayvon blamers are waiting for their new talking points from Rush and Faux News.
I'm not blaming anyone! I wasn't there, so I will not cast judgement on ANYONE!!!! For no eyewitnesses, there seems to be an awful lot of folks who think they KNOW what really happened. Everyone wants to cast the blame when fact is nobody really knows who started what. :wall:
I'm not blaming anyone! I wasn't there, so I will not cast judgement on ANYONE!!!! For no eyewitnesses, there seems to be an awful lot of folks who think they KNOW what really happened. Everyone wants to cast the blame when fact is nobody really knows who started what. :wall:

umm... I don't remember mentioning you specifically...
For no eyewitnesses, there seems to be an awful lot of folks who think they KNOW what really happened.

we know a lot.

we know zimmerman had quite the history of violence, aggression, losing his temper, etc.

zimmerman hung up with dispatchers at 7:14 pm. he was in his truck at the time.

martin's phone call with his girlfriend was dropped at 7:16 pm, several hundred yards from zimmerman's truck.

cops showed up at 7:17 pm to find martin dead, face down in the grass, his hands under his body.

the eyewitnesses who saw what happened immediately after the gunshot saw zimmerman straddling martin's body, getting up, walking over to the sidewalk, and looking worried but not injured. this does not correspond with zimmerman's account.

we know that 34 minutes later, zimmerman was at the police station, moving fluidly and alertly, not showing any injuries or even signs of discomfort in the least. not a grimace or a wince at all.

we know that the guy whose job it is to sniff out bullshit, the guy who interviewed zimmerman right after, wanted to pursue manslaughter charges because he said zimmerman's story did not add up.

we know that the prosecutor, wolfinger, left his house late on a sunday night to meet in person with the police and told them to "cut him loose".

we know that after a more thorough examination of the facts has lead to pursuing murder in the second, not manslaughter.

these are all things we know, and they paint a very bad picture of events.