Well-Known Member
Start reading from post 756 on page 76, for about the next 8 or 9 posts by me. Racists can read, right?
How about you just qoute my racist qoute...I say you lie
Start reading from post 756 on page 76, for about the next 8 or 9 posts by me. Racists can read, right?
One of the very reasons that "stand your ground" law needs to be revisited. turning this country into the Wild Wild WestWhat if they would have both had guns and both decided to stand their ground at the exact same time.Pulled and fired at the exact same time and died at the exact same time? Now that would be a story.
One of the very reasons that "stand your ground" law needs to be revisited. turning this country into the Wild Wild West
Did you need to add the extra "Wild" there for emphasis? What are you? Will Smith or something?One of the very reasons that "stand your ground" law needs to be revisited. turning this country into the Wild Wild West
Did you need to add the extra "Wild" there for emphasis? What are you? Will Smith or something?
Really?..... What a guy. Pretty cut and dry, I'm asking you to explain your position on both parties being able to use SYG.... dick
Maybe you've seen a better quality one that I have. I couldnt tell. A "solid" broken nose does give you 2 black eyes.Don't know about you but to me it's QUITE obvious that Z'Man is uninjured in the PD video , he OBVIOUSLY doesn't have a " smashed skull" , and he *obviously* doesn't have a broken nose , and not a mouse , a scratch , a cut. No lumps-n-bumps , nothing whatsoever........
Speaking from experience, I find the wild west to be much more polite than the no-gun police state that is Chicago.
That's another thing. why were the manslaughter charges not pursued?Why was this trying to be swept under the rug ????
You're not saying that makes it justified for Martin to attack him are you?Please tell me your dumb ass is not talking about the question I asked about " if Zimmerman called Treyvon a fuckin coon". Dude how is that me being fuckin racist.Zimmerman is the one who said it not me..typical
That's another thing. why were the manslaughter charges not pursued?
Please tell me your dumb ass is not talking about the question I asked about " if Zimmerman called Treyvon a fuckin coon". Dude how is that me being fuckin racist.Zimmerman is the one who said it not me..typical
Thank you sir. I appreciate it. Next time save your arrogant shit for someone who is actually incoherent and illiterate.Don't have much time as I have to go to work, but here is a quick explanation:
Under Florida's SYG law Trayvon's action might have been legitimate. He was followed by an unknown man on a dark, rainy night. The man approached him and Trayvon sees that he is armed. Fearing for his life, Trayvon punches the man and knocks him to the ground. He then climbs on top and proceeds to bash his skull into the ground until the man (Zimmer) is immobile. Zimmer dies. Trayvon claims he feared for his own life. Given that set of circumstances, Trayvon would probably be shielded by SYG.
Zimmer was acting as a neighborhood watchman. he observes a suspicious person eyeballing homes in a neighborhood plagued by burglaries. He approached the man (Trayvon) and asks him what he is doing in the neighborhood. Annoyed that he is being questioned by a stranger Trayvon punches the stranger (Zimmer) in the face knocking him to the ground, then mounts him and proceeds to wail on him. Zimmer, fearing for his life, manages to draw his legal weapon and puts a round through Trayvon's chest. Trayvon expires. Given that set of circumstances, Zimmer is shielded by SYG.
Scenario two seems to be what happened.
Thank you sir. I appreciate it. Next time save your arrogant shit for someone who is actually incoherent and illiterate.
Zimmerman is a self appointed watchman.. Which holds Zero weight in the eyes of the law. Same reason those self appointed super heros go to jail after mollywhopping a car jacker.. When he stepped out of his vehicle, his SYG case goes out of the window... He went to Trayvan's ground. You can't Claim SYG when you approach the other party or when someone starts to defend themself an starts handing you a beating. In my opinion.
Thank you sir. I appreciate it. Next time save your arrogant shit for someone who is actually incoherent and illiterate.
Zimmerman is a self appointed watchman.. Which holds Zero weight in the eyes of the law. Same reason those self appointed super heros go to jail after mollywhopping a car jacker.. When he stepped out of his vehicle, his SYG case goes out of the window... He went to Trayvan's ground. You can't Claim SYG when you approach the other party or when someone starts to defend themself an starts handing you a beating. In my opinion.
Not at all. I was asking the question as to what Zimmerman said.. I really wanted to know did he say coon, goon or what..You're not saying that makes it justified for Martin to attack him are you?
Maybe you've seen a better quality one that I have. I couldnt tell. A "solid" broken nose does give you 2 black eyes.