trayvan martin

I have a gut feeling your being sarcastic.LOL So go on tell me why IM an idiot.You should start a thread canada vs. the us health care so we can argue there and not clutter up this thread with useless junk.

not being sarcastic at all, i do believe canada has a better overall health care system which costs less than ours. and no one has to lose their hom or livelihood due to medical debt.

i have friends that moved to kelowna, both which require frequent health care, one way more than the other.

canada's health care system is far superior at covering your every day citizen, but lacking for expediency for the wealthy.
not being sarcastic at all, i do believe canada has a better overall health care system which costs less than ours. and no one has to lose their hom or livelihood due to medical debt.

i have friends that moved to kelowna, both which require frequent health care, one way more than the other.

canada's health care system is far superior at covering your every day citizen, but lacking for expediency for the wealthy.

Yes I've heard of these wait times too.I've never heard of anyone I know ever having a problem.I think the problem is in Canada has a lot of small cities, only the big cities have the fancy medical equipment.So if I need to see a specialist I have to drive to the nearest city to see one.Same with if I need a major surgery I have to go to the big city.
Yes I've heard of these wait times too.I've never heard of anyone I know ever having a problem.I think the problem is in Canada has a lot of small cities, only the big cities have the fancy medical equipment.So if I need to see a specialist I have to drive to the nearest city to see one.Same with if I need a major surgery I have to go to the big city.

i'm sure they have the same problem in america
That what Im saying.If trayvon did see the gun then he should have beaten or even killed Zimmerman.I just don't think zimmerman hunted him down and killed him tho on purpose.He probably didn't realize he flashed his gun.Regardless if trayvon did see that gun zimmerman is wrong.

One of the panelists brought up an interesting point. If Zimmerman is following Trayvon in his car for a while and then approaches Trayvon with weapon, why cant Trayvon use Stand Your Ground as a defense? Zimmerman again, never identified himself. Why does stand your ground only apply to the guy with the gun who was clearly the aggressor from the beginning?
I don't think all that but your entitled to your own opinion.I do believe zimmerman to be wrong tho.As someone stated in here earlier,He had a CCW permit he is at a higher standard than just your average guy carrying a gun.There is no excuse why his gun should have been exposed at anytime.You wanna carry a gun your responsible for it.

shit stories are changing everywhere. Good for you Cliffey. See that's how learning works.
One of the panelists brought up an interesting point. If Zimmerman is following Trayvon in his car for a while and then approaches Trayvon with weapon, why cant Trayvon use Stand Your Ground as a defense? Zimmerman again, never identified himself. Why does stand your ground only apply to the guy with the gun who was clearly the aggressor from the beginning?

Because dead men tell no tales.
shit stories are changing everywhere. Good for you Cliffey. See that's how learning works.

Actually I stand firm with what I said I don't think George zimmerman hunted him down and killed him for being a "fucking coon".
I think the kid had a shit attitude seen this dude following him and decided to go see what the fuck his problem was.
Zimmerman goes for his phone in his pocket in turn accidentally exposing his gun.Trayvon see's this and reacts accordingly.
Zimmerman is an obvious pussy and gets overwhelmed and shoots.In zimmermans head he probably see's it as self defense.
no, i only have surveillance tapes of a seemingly alert and unscathed zimmerman who did not appear to be at the point of being "beaten to death" or even in fear of "great bodily harm".

what i see in those surveillance tapes is an uninjured pussy who brought a gun out when his own actions provoked whatever happened that did not by any means threaten his life.

did you ever "seem suspicious" when walking home from the store while you were just a 17 year old?
That's what I thought you are jumping to conclusions to fit your agenda. You have no idea how the fight started. You don't know if Zimmerman was cleaned up before he went into the police station. I saw that video. You cannot tell from that what happened. A clear closeup would help.
Granted if I was in Zimmermans shoes and was telling the truth I'd want all the evidence to be there. I wouldn't clean up one bit until pictures were taken in order to have evidence. But you never know whats going on in someones mind after a killing. Hard to think clearly.

If the shooting was at close range, how does Zimmerman run this kid down? he looks out of shape. That's what I don't see happening
Zimmerman was over zealous he said something to Martin and Martin started the fight. or Martin popped off and Zimmerman started the fight.

I do think the woman who said the police changed her story is a bit biased. "I saw this kid" The weight difference you can't see. Wearing a hoodie makes you bigger than what you are. Adds size. the 6" 140 looks a lot bigger.

All this being said, Zimmerman was the cause of the problem by continuing to follow him. Why can't he keep an eye on Martin at a distance? He doesn't follow, Martin is still alive.
That's what I thought you are jumping to conclusions to fit your agenda. You have no idea how the fight started. You don't know if Zimmerman was cleaned up before he went into the police station. I saw that video. You cannot tell from that what happened. A clear closeup would help.
Granted if I was in Zimmermans shoes and was telling the truth I'd want all the evidence to be there. I wouldn't clean up one bit until pictures were taken in order to have evidence. But you never know whats going on in someones mind after a killing. Hard to think clearly.

If the shooting was at close range, how does Zimmerman run this kid down? he looks out of shape. That's what I don't see happening
Zimmerman was over zealous he said something to Martin and Martin started the fight. or Martin popped off and Zimmerman started the fight.

I do think the woman who said the police changed her story is a bit biased. "I saw this kid" The weight difference you can't see. Wearing a hoodie makes you bigger than what you are. Adds size. the 6" 140 looks a lot bigger.

All this being said, Zimmerman was the cause of the problem by continuing to follow him. Why can't he keep an eye on Martin at a distance? He doesn't follow, Martin is still alive.

Don't know about you but to me it's QUITE obvious that Z'Man is uninjured in the PD video , he OBVIOUSLY doesn't have a " smashed skull" , and he *obviously* doesn't have a broken nose , and not a mouse , a scratch , a cut. No lumps-n-bumps , nothing whatsoever........
I dunno, I have thrown bare knuckle fists and haven't got a bruise or a cut on them, except that one time i hit a guy in the teeth, I got some nasty infectious cuts on my left knuckles from that one.


Then either A. you've actually hit very , very few individuals barehanded , or B. you can't punch for power , either through lack of technique and training or just lack of form and mechanics.

You just really screwed yourself up , because TRUST me punching someone barehanded **in the head** and creating the sort of injuries that you **claim** Z'man had will almost inevitably leave some evidence with your hands.

Chances are very , very slim that this would not be the case.And Z'man is clearly unmarked in the PD vid , no broken nose or " smashed skull".........
And Anothereeeeeerrrrr example of hypocrisy...............your evidence proving a broken nose and " smashed skull" are where again?

The official police report.Where anyone with half a brain would think to look for evidence.
He was treated on the scene by SFD.Im sure they would testify to this under oath.Im sure they do that kind of thing all the time.You really believe this is one giant racist cover-up conspiracy don't you?Everyone's in on it.

They don't make statements.Witnesses do.They record evidence.Go ahead keep telling me how dumb I am while looking like an idiot.

He looks dumb? Really? You're the one looking like a complete and uncomprehending fool by dodging the question. What exactly does the above have to do with the question you were asked. Just exactly ho does it provide an answer to said question.

( this should be good..........convoluted canadian logic)
He.Doesn't mean all do.Never seen a boxing match with a guys nose sitting beside his ear and only a couple drops of blood?

No , and neither have you. Don't start exageration on this subject , it's gonna end very , very badly for you. Nobody has ever ended up with their " nose beside their ear " and breaks bleed BAD under repeated jabs etc. , don't bother even making a cursory attempt to bullshit me on this until you've set there between rounds with ab-cotton soaking it up and your corner-man sneaking clotisol up there on a swab so it doesn't get stopped on blood.

Your boy doesn't have a broken nose.
One of the panelists brought up an interesting point. If Zimmerman is following Trayvon in his car for a while and then approaches Trayvon with weapon, why cant Trayvon use Stand Your Ground as a defense? Zimmerman again, never identified himself. Why does stand your ground only apply to the guy with the gun who was clearly the aggressor from the beginning?

In my opinion, both Zimmer and Trayvon could use SYG in the scenario that played out. Only one of them could be left standing though. It happens to be Zimmer.
did the slight bobbing up and down with each step cause you any discomfort?

did it hurt especially when you leaned your head forward?

Not me , just discomfort period , but then I'm used to it , train for a long time and you're going get a few , along with getting cut ,even with headgear , abrasions , a broken hand or three , maybe an occasional rib. Depends on the individual and how hard they like to go/train.......

I just don't see evidence that Z'man was in a scrap.
Not me , just discomfort period , but then I'm used to it , train for a long time and you're going get a few , along with getting cut ,even with headgear , abrasions , a broken hand or three , maybe an occasional rib. Depends on the individual and how hard they like to go/train.......

I just don't see evidence that Z'man was in a scrap.

Well thank god you are going to testify to that on Travan's behalf. I am sure his family will be really grateful to have an internet EXPERT like you on the stand.
again, kindly keep race out of this thread, this has nothing to do with race.

In the context of the basic arguement yes you are correct. However we are talking about Sanford Florida and ultimately race will be an issue if not the major issue. This of course should be different , but it won't be.