trayvan martin

That sounds mighty 1984 to me, but to you that's a good thing! :dunce:

The reason your meds are so cheap is because your country gets older versions and the sick fuck corporations don't want to lose money so they sell to whomever will buy.

LOL Do you really believe that? The only place canadians go for treatment there is the mayo clinic.They don't go to martin luther king hospital or something.

Why is that a like? If you're dieing here in the US, all you need to do is become broke and get on indigent care. You will get care immediately.

In Canada, everyone gets the same shit treatment. You wait months to years. By then you're dead. That's the real reason they come here. Even as a foreigner, the wait time is shorter.

The real way to do it is in Costa Rica. It ends up being 10 to 20 percent anyway, but if your country can't treat you, the government pays whomever can.

Canada health care is shit. It uses old technology and techniques because you have no other choice and government doesn't give a fuck about you. It only cares about the pork it doles out and receives.

Why is that a like? If you're dieing here in the US, all you need to do is become broke and get on indigent care. You will get care immediately.

In Canada, everyone gets the same shit treatment. You wait months to years. By then you're dead. That's the real reason they come here. Even as a foreigner, the wait time is shorter.

The real way to do it is in Costa Rica. It ends up being 10 to 20 percent anyway, but if your country can't treat you, the government pays whomever can.

Canada health care is shit. It uses old technology and techniques because you have no other choice and government doesn't give a fuck about you. It only cares about the pork it doles out and receives.

UB obviously doesn't know shit.

Care to argue this fact too.

I've never had to wait more than a few minutes to see a doctor.Neither has anyone I know.I also know several people that have had cancer and were taken for treatment immediately after diagnosis.
That what Im saying.If trayvon did see the gun then he should have beaten or even killed Zimmerman.I just don't think zimmerman hunted him down and killed him tho on purpose.He probably didn't realize he flashed his gun.Regardless if trayvon did see that gun zimmerman is wrong.

the only problem is, you shouldn't believe a word that comes out of that guy's mouth.

the only thing i heard in that interview was a dad using his life in the judicial system trying to get his son out of a crime, as he has likely done before.

i mean, baby zimmerman was known for assaulting police officers, resisting arrest, beating up a woman...never caught any real shit for it. only ever had to go through anger management classes. and i hate to bring race into it, but do you suppose his white, magistrate judge father might have pulled a few strings to get this hispanic, foreign looking son off the hook?

the only thing this does is set up a false narrative.

zimmerman reached for a ... [fill in the blank] and trayvon saw a gun so trayvon tried to beat zimmerman to death! he was right in doing that, but that means zimmerman was right to fire, since he was being beaten to death. nevermind how zimmerman could have reached for his gun and fired with his arms pinned to the ground :roll:

it is clear by the surveillance tapes that george zimmerman was not in fear for his life or great bodily harm at the time he fired. he wasn't even ever touched by the looks of it. yet he is trying to play of some boo-boos as a reason to pump a round into somebody, ending their life after he pursued them aggressively.

if you buy into the load of manure this lifelong-trained papa is trying to peddle, you are dumber than i could ever imagine possible.

they say sunlight is the best disinfectant. which side is out in the light of day seeking justice? which side is composed of anonymous witnesses, a shadowy old protective pappa, and a wannabe cop pussy ass vigilante in hiding?

the zimmerman interview will be beaten to hell in the next 24-72 hours, i guarantee it.
Why is that a like? If you're dieing here in the US, all you need to do is become broke and get on indigent care. You will get care immediately.

In Canada, everyone gets the same shit treatment. You wait months to years. By then you're dead. That's the real reason they come here. Even as a foreigner, the wait time is shorter.

The real way to do it is in Costa Rica. It ends up being 10 to 20 percent anyway, but if your country can't treat you, the government pays whomever can.

Canada health care is shit. It uses old technology and techniques because you have no other choice and government doesn't give a fuck about you. It only cares about the pork it doles out and receives.

their specialized health care is not on par with ours, but their general health care is better. fact.

hey cliffey, how many canadians go bankrupt and lose their houses over medical debt? i bet it's far less (percentage wise and overall) than we have.
their specialized health care is not on par with ours, but their general health care is better. fact.

hey cliffey, how many canadians go bankrupt and lose their houses over medical debt? i bet it's far less (percentage wise and overall) than we have.

No such a thing as medical debt here.We pay for prescriptions but most people have insurance for that.If you are low income we have "government" insurance that pays your prescriptions.
the only problem is, you shouldn't believe a word that comes out of that guy's mouth.

the only thing i heard in that interview was a dad using his life in the judicial system trying to get his son out of a crime, as he has likely done before.

i mean, baby zimmerman was known for assaulting police officers, resisting arrest, beating up a woman...never caught any real shit for it. only ever had to go through anger management classes. and i hate to bring race into it, but do you suppose his white, magistrate judge father might have pulled a few strings to get this hispanic, foreign looking son off the hook?

the only thing this does is set up a false narrative.

zimmerman reached for a ... [fill in the blank] and trayvon saw a gun so trayvon tried to beat zimmerman to death! he was right in doing that, but that means zimmerman was right to fire, since he was being beaten to death. nevermind how zimmerman could have reached for his gun and fired with his arms pinned to the ground :roll:

it is clear by the surveillance tapes that george zimmerman was not in fear for his life or great bodily harm at the time he fired. he wasn't even ever touched by the looks of it. yet he is trying to play of some boo-boos as a reason to pump a round into somebody, ending their life after he pursued them aggressively.

if you buy into the load of manure this lifelong-trained papa is trying to peddle, you are dumber than i could ever imagine possible.

they say sunlight is the best disinfectant. which side is out in the light of day seeking justice? which side is composed of anonymous witnesses, a shadowy old protective pappa, and a wannabe cop pussy ass vigilante in hiding?

the zimmerman interview will be beaten to hell in the next 24-72 hours, i guarantee it.

I don't think all that but your entitled to your own opinion.I do believe zimmerman to be wrong tho.As someone stated in here earlier,He had a CCW permit he is at a higher standard than just your average guy carrying a gun.There is no excuse why his gun should have been exposed at anytime.You wanna carry a gun your responsible for it.
Why is that a like? If you're dieing here in the US, all you need to do is become broke and get on indigent care. You will get care immediately.
One of the things about the 40 million without health care is ~25-30 percent of the 40 million would have been signed up for medicare or medicaid had they gone into an emergency room to be taken care of.
the only problem is, you shouldn't believe a word that comes out of that guy's mouth.

the only thing i heard in that interview was a dad using his life in the judicial system trying to get his son out of a crime, as he has likely done before.

i mean, baby zimmerman was known for assaulting police officers, resisting arrest, beating up a woman...never caught any real shit for it. only ever had to go through anger management classes. and i hate to bring race into it, but do you suppose his white, magistrate judge father might have pulled a few strings to get this hispanic, foreign looking son off the hook?

the only thing this does is set up a false narrative.

zimmerman reached for a ... [fill in the blank] and trayvon saw a gun so trayvon tried to beat zimmerman to death! he was right in doing that, but that means zimmerman was right to fire, since he was being beaten to death. nevermind how zimmerman could have reached for his gun and fired with his arms pinned to the ground :roll:

it is clear by the surveillance tapes that george zimmerman was not in fear for his life or great bodily harm at the time he fired. he wasn't even ever touched by the looks of it. yet he is trying to play of some boo-boos as a reason to pump a round into somebody, ending their life after he pursued them aggressively.

if you buy into the load of manure this lifelong-trained papa is trying to peddle, you are dumber than i could ever imagine possible.

they say sunlight is the best disinfectant. which side is out in the light of day seeking justice? which side is composed of anonymous witnesses, a shadowy old protective pappa, and a wannabe cop pussy ass vigilante in hiding?

the zimmerman interview will be beaten to hell in the next 24-72 hours, i guarantee it.
It doesn't matter if Zimmerman or Martin were angels or devils. You go where the facts take you.

There are surveillance tapes of the actual fight? Do you have a link to that?
their specialized health care is not on par with ours, but their general health care is better. fact.

hey cliffey, how many canadians go bankrupt and lose their houses over medical debt? i bet it's far less (percentage wise and overall) than we have.

It takes up to 42 weeks for urgent heart valve surgery. Canada gets funding for each procedure. Too many with a bad heart in your area, you're SOL until the kind government sends money.

I ask you, would you rather lose your house or be dead?

I know it's not perfect here, but Canada is a far cry from it too. Why can't we have a system like Costa Rica. The WHO ranks them two spots higher than us in quality of care. Even with the higher initial cost, it's cheaper when you consider premiums, copays and deductibles. Isn't it pathetic a country that's pretty much third world compared to us gets it right?
One of the things about the 40 million without health care is ~25-30 percent of the 40 million would have been signed up for medicare or medicaid had they gone into an emergency room to be taken care of.

that means that 70-75% of those who were not medicare or medicaid eligible would have passed their costs onto the rest of us to some degree.

take this into a "SCOTUS deciding on obamacare" thread, please. i don't know why that thread is not alive yet, it damn well should be.

ironically, that is how i started off this thread.
It takes up to 42 weeks for urgent heart valve surgery. Canada gets funding for each procedure. Too many with a bad heart in your area, you're SOL until the kind government sends money.

I ask you, would you rather lose your house or be dead?

I know it's not perfect here, but Canada is a far cry from it too. Why can't we have a system like Costa Rica. The WHO ranks them two spots higher than us in quality of care. Even with the higher initial cost, it's cheaper when you consider premiums, copays and deductibles. Isn't it pathetic a country that's pretty much third world compared to us gets it right?

My dad had quadruple bypass surgery and didn't wait longer than a couple days.Where do you get these "facts"?
There are surveillance tapes of the actual fight? Do you have a link to that?

no, i only have surveillance tapes of a seemingly alert and unscathed zimmerman who did not appear to be at the point of being "beaten to death" or even in fear of "great bodily harm".

what i see in those surveillance tapes is an uninjured pussy who brought a gun out when his own actions provoked whatever happened that did not by any means threaten his life.

did you ever "seem suspicious" when walking home from the store while you were just a 17 year old?

That doesn't show anything LOL

[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter, width: 1"]
[TH="class: headerSort headerSortDown, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Country[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Life expectancy[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Infant mortalityrate[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Physicians per 1000 people[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Nurses per 1000 people[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Per capita expenditure on health (USD)[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Healthcare costs as a percent of GDP[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]% of government revenue spent on health[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]% of health costs paid by government[/TH]

Turns out we live longer,have better health care,and payless.

You think the US doesn't have people on a wait list to go for surgery?
Of course they do but people dying get moved to the top.
that means that 70-75% of those who were not medicare or medicaid eligible would have passed their costs onto the rest of us to some degree.

take this into a "SCOTUS deciding on obamacare" thread, please. i don't know why that thread is not alive yet, it damn well should be.

ironically, that is how i started off this thread.

Where's this thread? All I can find is Mr. I Don't Eat Food's Food death care thread.
That doesn't show anything LOL

[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter, width: 1"]
[TH="class: headerSort headerSortDown, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Country[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Life expectancy[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Infant mortalityrate[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Physicians per 1000 people[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Nurses per 1000 people[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Per capita expenditure on health (USD)[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Healthcare costs as a percent of GDP[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]% of government revenue spent on health[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort, bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]% of health costs paid by government[/TH]

Turns out we live longer,have better health care,and payless.

You think the US doesn't have people on a wait list to go for surgery?
Of course they do but people dying get moved to the top.

