Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
I think the coroner is the nail in Zimmerman's coffin as far as his story goes. No evidence of bruising or cuts on Trayvon's hands or knees. Nothing except for a hole in the chest.
i have a 9'' cock and once kicked a field goal from 96 yards with a dead baby.
perhaps zimmerman related his account to his father? i don't know, i've got the interview queued up.
i bet the canadian doesn't know how to pronounce "queue".
nope because he was born in Kenya not America
I think the coroner is the nail in Zimmerman's coffin as far as his story goes. No evidence of bruising or cuts on Trayvon's hands or knees. Nothing except for a hole in the chest.
LOL why would a Canadian know how to pronounce a french word right?
they use it in england too. as in to "queue up" (we say "line up").
you know england, they're the people you had to ask for your fake semi-independence. still got royalty on your bills? and loonies?
LOL. canada, what a joke.
and we don't pay royalties we pay respect.
and when you pay that 14% or so combined sales tax, whose face is on your money?
The queens is on some of our money not all.We have a beaver on our money to does the beaver get royalties?
and sales tax goes to the government not the monarchy.Its only 14% in some places.
i am in the beaver state, and we have no state (provincial, since some canucks may not be smart enough to understand the difference) sales tax and no national sales tax.
hear that? 0% tax on anything i buy! just as it should be. taxing should be reserved to minimize negative externalities and other economic bads.
now, as far as putting a beaver on our national currency, we have very inspirational figures to put on our currency, those who fought and won against the very same guys that you had to bow down to for so long. so to put a fucking beaver on a bill instead of george motherfucking washington would be to degrade our currency, which often dominates yours in worth.
in the papa zimmerman interview, at about 7 minutes in or so, the reporter mentions that this was taken down from a manslaughter charge.
after some hesitation, papa zimmerman uncomfortably says "i can't answer that" before going on to say a bunch of other stuff.
"i can't answer that" is exactly the legal thing you have to sayif you are trying to evade any proof of being in cahoots with wolfinger, who rejected the manslaughter charge.
you just have to know these two are in cahoots. how else did zimmerman assault an officer and not get convicted? don't even have free health care? LOL
and YOU didn't fight for anything.
Your also how many trillion in the hole(and you don't even have free health care)? LOL so some british guys fight some other british guys and call it america? and YOU didn't fight for anything.
Then why do your people come to our country when the shit hits the fan and your WONDERFUL free health care can't fix it, but we can?
I just watched this interview.Zimmermans dad says after he was approached by trayvon, trayvon said "you got a f'n problem" at that point zimmerman reaches down to grab his phone and call 911.
Trayvon at that point probably see's the gun(as zimmerman goes for his phone) and hits him.Very interesting.
Cause you guys do crazy expiremental treatments that doctors can't do here.I live in a border town you know how many americans come here for free health care? and cheap prescriptions?
I live in a border town, do you know how many americans come here for free health care? and cheap prescriptions?
that would mean that any assault that trayvon committed was justified.
if somebody stalked me like that, and i was just 17 years old and on my way back from the store, i might ask them "what the fuck is your problem?".
if, at that point, he reaches for a ... [fill in the blank] and i see a gun, i have every right to beat him to death or kill him in my own self defense, as i am provoked into believing that my life is in danger.
but, the story above is all pure and simple bullshit.
that interview was damning. "i can't answer that"..."it is my understanding that"...he is leaving himself plausible deniability. he worked as a magistrate judge, he knows how to handle these things, clearly.
the only thing that interview did is provide fuel to the fire of this whole wolfinger and papa zimmerman rumor.
this will come back to bite them in the end.