trayvan martin

so, it was just brought to my attention that trayvon's name, address, and DOB were all listed on the police report, which was filed at about 3am the morning after the incident. also, where it asks "was a minor involved", the box for 'no' is checked.

yet trayvon was tagged as a john doe for 3 days.

ummmm, WTF? was the police report altered after the fact or something? that seems impossible for me to understand.

They also had his phone with his contacts and never bothered to call the family. The dad even called the cell phone and no one answered. They were stalling for time. The longer this takes the less chance there will be an arrest. He, apparently, spent a lot of time with that police department and is well acquainted with some of the officers. He is taking law enforcement classes. He has failed several attempts at becoming a cop. Guess what this is all adding up to... a cover up maybe? Wait.... police never do that.. ever. Even a police department with a history of cover ups. Interesting note as well, the police officer whose son almost killed a homeless black man and no charges were ever filed, was also involved in this investigation. But it couldn't possibly be a coverup or Zimmerman's fault in any way because... Trayvon is black. He was wearing a hoodie, He had a bag of candy in his hand. That's evidence enough that Zimmerman is innocent.
I saw the interview with my own eyes and the words were coming out of HER mouth. He didn't see color because it was too dark. The police taking the statement NOT THE LEAD INVESTIGATOR then started bringing up the color of the shirt. They then put that in the report. This is according to Austin's mother during an interview tonight.

So your a witness too now? you should be subpoenaed.Show me facts not gum flaps.
also, take a look at zimmerman in the surveillance video.

i have experienced a broken nose myself, and i can tell you that if you lean forward with a broken nose, it throbs like a motherfucker. but zimmerman leaned forward without any visible discomfort.

i can tell you from personal experience that just the act of walking is quite uncomfortable, and that you walk lightly or it will cause you to wince. zimmerman marched along merrily without a hint of visible discomfort at any point.

he and the officers get out of the car and seem to be pretty chummy, too. but i am more concerned with how a man whose nose was broken behaves like that without even a single hint of visible discomfort.

or any kind of dizziness from multiple blows to the back of the head?
also, take a look at zimmerman in the surveillance video.

i have experienced a broken nose myself, and i can tell you that if you lean forward with a broken nose, it throbs like a motherfucker. but zimmerman leaned forward without any visible discomfort.

i can tell you from personal experience that just the act of walking is quite uncomfortable, and that you walk lightly or it will cause you to wince. zimmerman marched along merrily without a hint of visible discomfort at any point.

he and the officers get out of the car and seem to be pretty chummy, too. but i am more concerned with how a man whose nose was broken behaves like that without even a single hint of visible discomfort.

And his skull was "smashed" into the pavement? No weaving? No balance issues? He sure did a lot of spinning and turning for a man with a "smashed" skull and a broken nose. No neck brace? His head was "smashed" against the pavement, wasn't it? He sure moved that neck around quite a big for having a cut on the back of his head due to his skull being "smashed" against the pavement....
Show me proof of the 3 days as john doe.

The police memo to the community seems to state they identified him as someone from the community.

Trayvon was toe-tagged as a John Doe. Sanford Police and Martin didn’t make contact until later that day at his girlfriend’s home. It was there that Martin positively identified Trayvon based on a photograph shown to him by police.
I tried hard to derail this thread to it's demise, but I failed :(

the mortician is talking to o'donnell right now, saying that nothing on trayvon's body displays evidence of scrapes, bruising, or anything else consistent with being in an altercation.

Wouldn't that kind of prove that Zimmerman never attacked him?
As well as proof that trayvon never attacked zimmerman.
But if zimmerman has injuries does that mean he did it to himself? Grainy video on a poor CCTV system isn't really doing it for me since you can't see any details, but he looks to be in pretty good health.
But if zimmerman has injuries does that mean he did it to himself? Grainy video on a poor CCTV system isn't really doing it for me since you can't see any details, but he looks to be in pretty good health.

Who knows, but there would probably be bruising and cutting on the hands of trayvon.
didn’t make contact until later that day ??? thought it was 3 days.Insert foot into mouth now.

made contact later that day does not mean he didn't sit in the morgue for three days, dipshit. that was just when he was identified.

but why did it ever get tagged john doe in the first place when the police report, issued just hours later, identified trayvon and his date of birth?

reconcile that for me, please.
But if zimmerman has injuries does that mean he did it to himself? Grainy video on a poor CCTV system isn't really doing it for me since you can't see any details, but he looks to be in pretty good health.

ever had a broken nose, nodrama? serious question, no trap involved.
made contact later that day does not mean he didn't sit in the morgue for three days, dipshit. that was just when he was identified.

but why did it ever get tagged john doe in the first place when the police report, issued just hours later, identified trayvon and his date of birth?

reconcile that for me, please.

I guess they should have left his body lying in the grass while they identified him.My bad.
here's another little thing that no one is talking about.

the prosecutor, wolfinger, who declined to go forward with this case (against the recommendation of the lead investigator, serino, who was in the best position as far as how to proceed), step down to avoid "the appearance of a conflict of interest"?

does wolfinger, the former prosecutor, know zimmerman or any of his family members? perhaps wolfinger knows zimmerman's dad, the retired judge?

this could get awfully interesting now.