Well-Known Member
my wife has a screwdriver right now, drain plug on the tub is broken. she's fixing it.
off with her head!
does she have on a hoodie ????
my wife has a screwdriver right now, drain plug on the tub is broken. she's fixing it.
off with her head!
regardless of who did what first. why did Zimmerman need a gun? cant take an ass whoopin like a man?
You think a guy that beats on his drivers...regardless of the facts.
Naw these pussies of today don't know what a fist fight is..regardless of who did what first. why did Zimmerman need a gun? cant take an ass whoopin like a man?
does she have on a hoodie ????
Really, i didn't say he couldn't own one. I said need one. 2nd amendment doesn't OK murder . dickhead.The 2nd amendment. There is nothing worse then bringing your fists to a gun fight.
People have been killed for nothing. whats your point?
Naw these pussies of today don't know what a fist fight is..
seems like most people dont get the bigger picture.
I don't have any orange juice for a screw driver.. damn.
Oh I totally agree, and noone gets shot over here...I wonder why?Who started the fight doesn't matter. Hell Zimmerman couldv'e started the fight too. Someone died dumbass, like i said before. Why zimmy have to pull the pistol. cant take an ass whoopin?
If the jewelry was legit why wouldn't he give names? cause it was obviously stolen dumb-dumbs.Im holding my girlfriends jewelry and watch.I got a screwdriver on me for removing my gold grill.I get caught with it and rather than saying Hey man its my g/f's and not being suspended from school I dont say anything and take the suspension? Either hes not to smart or lying.Im suprised the racist SFD didn't "correct" some statements a create a theft so they could lock him up.
If the jewelry was legit why wouldn't he give names? cause it was obviously stolen dumb-dumbs.
Typical that you can't actually respond to a post, go back under your bridge Buck, you used to be funny now it's just, i condensed this down to the most relevant pieces of information.
keep trying to smear trayvon, it's not telling at all.
Who gives a shit? It wasn't stolen. End of story. What the fuck does this have to do with a grown man cop wannabe killing a 17 year old high school student for walking down a street. A kid who died feet away from safety. There should be a trial. All of this other stuff is just bullshit created to cloud the issue.
coming from the same guy who is telling us to not jump to conclusions.
you'll have to contradict yourself even more to compete with zimmerman's "friend", however.
It's not about WHO did WHAT. It's about how it was handled. I can't choose sides shit Zimmerman was a drunk wifebeater anf trayvon was probably a nigga just like me wit my hoodie when i was 17 so either one of us couldve started it. But i believe if a man kills another man, or a by in this case. He shouldve been taken in for questioning. everything was fuck up bt thats my whole issue. I have been arreted on more then one occassion for just shooting my damn gun with no bond even. they couldn't take him in?OK then assist me please. cn