Well-Known Member
A 17 hour class is " training "? Is this where you start puffing Zimmerman up again?
That is pretty intense for neighborhood watch.
I dont know how much more in depth training you can get in that field.
A 17 hour class is " training "? Is this where you start puffing Zimmerman up again?
if it were a white kid zimmerman would be in jail. in fact if he were white zimmerman would have left martin alone.
That is pretty intense for neighborhood watch.
I dont know how much more in depth training you can get in that field.
That is pretty intense for neighborhood watch.
I dont know how much more in depth training you can get in that field.
MarDet from USS Abraham Lincoln CVN 72 attached to 1st Battallion 7th Marines
Really you think so a 17 hour *class*. And you can get a lot more in depth.
Zimmerman made plenty of calls about white kids too.and children as well as animals.So Im not buying he's a card carrying member of the KKK.
One step up and your mall security LOL
Why thank you for neatly accenting the point , a step up and Zimmerman would have been " Mall Security " there's someone to trust with a sidearm.........
You are really good at providing your OPINION... How about a link?
I would like to see how IN DEPTH a neighborhood watch program gets...
Really? You're the one that claimed it had " depth". I presume that you know the curriculum or you wouldn't have spoken on the subject. Pray tell us about the program Zimmerman went through. I mean after all you DO know about it don't you?
Then you're a frigging hypocrite yet again , standard operating procedure with you it seems.
Really? You're the one that claimed it had " depth". I presume that you know the curriculum or you wouldn't have spoken on the subject. Pray tell us about the program Zimmerman went through. I mean after all you DO know about it don't you?
Then you're a frigging hypocrite yet again , standard operating procedure with you it seems.
Really? You're the one that claimed it had " depth". I presume that you know the curriculum or you wouldn't have spoken on the subject. Pray tell us about the program Zimmerman went through. I mean after all you DO know about it don't you?
Then you're a frigging hypocrite yet again , standard operating procedure with you it seems.
Would you be this worked up if it were a white kid dead?
...if he were white zimmerman would have left martin alone.
You can't get a CCW permit cause your mall security?
race bait.
you have done nothing but bring race into this thread.
we're not dumb. we see what you're doing here and we know what it says about you.
race bait receives wild applause from the guy who wonders if trayvon even belonged in a gated community where he was staying.
and the correct answer is left wanting.
Hey UB, it is a fair question.
When was the last time the Black Panthers offered a reward for the killing of a white boy?