trayvan martin

You are really good at providing your OPINION... How about a link?

I would like to see how IN DEPTH a neighborhood watch program gets...

Really? You're the one that claimed it had " depth". I presume that you know the curriculum or you wouldn't have spoken on the subject. Pray tell us about the program Zimmerman went through. I mean after all you DO know about it don't you?


Then you're a frigging hypocrite yet again , standard operating procedure with you it seems.
The stand your ground law is coincident with a decline in murder rate in Florida! Does SYG make for a safer society? Maybe not, but you can conclude that it does not correlate with a more dangerous society.

"Consulting the “official FBI Uniform Crime Report numbers” we see that despite a 7.5% increase in population, Florida’s homicide numbers were essentially flat, from 946 in 2004 to 987 in 2010. As those who click on the link will observe, that corresponds to an overall decline in the homicide rate from 5.4 to 5.2."
Really? You're the one that claimed it had " depth". I presume that you know the curriculum or you wouldn't have spoken on the subject. Pray tell us about the program Zimmerman went through. I mean after all you DO know about it don't you?


Then you're a frigging hypocrite yet again , standard operating procedure with you it seems.

So you dont have shit to back up your opinion? And you have the balls to call me a hypocrite? While being a hypocrite? Fucking priceless....
Really? You're the one that claimed it had " depth". I presume that you know the curriculum or you wouldn't have spoken on the subject. Pray tell us about the program Zimmerman went through. I mean after all you DO know about it don't you?


Then you're a frigging hypocrite yet again , standard operating procedure with you it seems.

Ok riddle me this.

If zimmerman were an off-duty cop and killed trayvon would it change this whole shit storm?
Doubt it.Zimmerman would be known as a rogue cop instead of a vigilante neighborhood watchman everything thing else would remain the same.
Would you be this worked up if it were a white kid dead?

race bait.

you have done nothing but bring race into this thread.

we're not dumb. we see what you're doing here and we know what it says about you.

race bait receives wild applause from the guy who wonders if trayvon even belonged in a gated community where he was staying.

...if he were white zimmerman would have left martin alone.

and the correct answer is left wanting.
You can't get a CCW permit cause your mall security?

Blal blah blah and another sidestep...allemande left there boy. You just put your hero lower than Mall Security when you said " a step up" from the purported training program that you stated he underwent was less than same. And we both know you don't either with a gun , when you do we have a Travan Martin.

Ya burned your own arguement *again*.
Hey UB, it is a fair question.

When was the last time the Black Panthers offered a reward for the killing of a white boy? A hispanic boy? An indian boy?

We are not race baiting, we are simply pointing out the race card is being played hard by the African American community. But somehow, talking about that is as forbidden as the *N* word among white people...
race bait.

you have done nothing but bring race into this thread.

we're not dumb. we see what you're doing here and we know what it says about you.

race bait receives wild applause from the guy who wonders if trayvon even belonged in a gated community where he was staying.

and the correct answer is left wanting.

Yes buck because im a racist.Show me one post I made to prove it.No drama already pointed out in great detail your racist tendancies.
Hey UB, it is a fair question.

When was the last time the Black Panthers offered a reward for the killing of a white boy?

i am not interested in what a hate group has to say.

feel free to chase your race smear bunnies, it's a free country. you just won't get me to dignify a hate group with any further response.