trayvan martin

The prosecution would have to think up a pretty sexy story to make charges stick to Zimmerman..."beyond all reasonable doubt" motherfuckers!

It is their job to think up sexy stories, so don't discount that. To me, though, it looks like Zimmer is gonna walk away from the murder/manslaughter charge.

I expect the feds to get involved and charge civil rights violations, or "hate crime", or some other exotic charge to emerge to placate the blood thirsty masses.
Breaking News: The lead investigator the night of Trayvon's murder in an affidavit said manslaughter charges should be brought against Zimmerman because his recounting of events did not add up and was unconvincing to the investigator.

well now....
Breaking News: The lead investigator the night of Trayvon's murder in an affidavit said manslaughter charges should be brought against Zimmerman because his recounting of events did not add up and was unconvincing to the investigator.

well now....

Yeah, I saw that... and the DA's office instructed the investigator to not file charges because he did not think they had enough evidence to convict. From a political point of view, it sure would have been preferable to file those charges, but that it 20 20 hind sight.
Suspicious activity definition as detailed in the Neighborhood watch handbook given to Zimmermans HOA.

 Gathering (loitering) for an extended or
unusual period of time.
Possible burglary, arson, or drug dealing.
 Behaving strangely.
Possibly on drugs or illegal activity.
 With any sort of weapon(s).
Possibly planning any number of crimes.
 Carrying, concealing or transporting
anything unusual.
Possible burglar carrying stolen property.
 Looking into cars.
Possibly casing cars for theft of car or its
 Selling or conducting business on a street
corner, park or other place where business is
not licensed.
 Running, especially if carrying something of
Possible suspect fleeing scene of crime.
 Creating any type of disturbance
Disturbing the Peace or covering up noise of
some other activity.
 Going door to door, especially if someone
goes to the rear of the residence.
Possibly casing the neighborhood.
 Loiters around schools, parks or on your
Possible burglar, sex offense, drugs or arson.

sad thing is zimmerman should check off about half those boxes for himself.
It is their job to think up sexy stories, so don't discount that. To me, though, it looks like Zimmer is gonna walk away from the murder/manslaughter charge.

I expect the feds to get involved and charge civil rights violations, or "hate crime", or some other exotic charge to emerge to placate the blood thirsty masses.

Wouldn't you have to be convicted of a crime to make it a hate crime?
Wouldn't you have to be convicted of a crime to make it a hate crime?

There would have to be an underlying crime, I think. Maybe a federal murder charge, civil rights violation, who knows? It is pretty clear to me that because of the notoriety of this situation the feds will want to make a show of things. The feds are already involved, and it is a local crime, that ought to tell you something.
Well, this doesn't fit the PC narrative. Here we have a witness (actually, the witness' mom) saying the police are trying to coax her son (the witness) to concoct a story to indict Zimmerman! I thought the police were against Martin?

Austin's mother, Sheryl Brown, said that her son's trauma from that night also involves media and police versions of Austin's story. The police claim that Austin told them Zimmerman was the one screaming. Although Austin couldn't tell exactly who it was, he believes that it was Martin. Brown also told HuffPost that she believes the police investigator who interviewed her son may have been trying to get Austin to provide information that he didn't have:

"That investigator said flat out that we don't think it was self-defense," Brown said, recalling the day the police came to interview Austin. "Several times he said, 'I have kids, and I'm going to tell you something that I don't tell many people.' He looked at me and said, 'You have to read between the lines. There's some stereotyping going on.' "

She continued: "He stood here in my family room telling me that this guy [Zimmerman] is not right and it wasn't self-defense and that they have to prove that it wasn't. He was adamant about that. I don't know if that was to make me less uncomfortable or to make us feel that he was on our side."
It proves that not only racists think someone walking around in the pouring rain is weird.Ad that in to the fact that zimmerman reported looking around at all the houses( a common technique used by burglars) and acting strangely like he was on drugs.All of which are considered suspicious activity.He would have learned how to spot suspicious activity in the 17 hr class he took.

You have GOT to be f***ing joking. Nobody could possibly be so dense as the above.
Yeah, its a Wal Mart PSA, so obviously its going to mention wal mart. If you see someone suspicious in wal-mart you should get a hold of a wal mart manager, if you see something suspicious period, you should report it.

Yeah you're falling right in line with that indoctrinated snitch type mentality promoted by various agencies. It figures.
What happened to "Zimmerman wasn't in the neighborhood watch, he never attended training blah blah blah". Have you changed your stance on that now that you have more of the story?

A 17 hour class is " training "? Is this where you start puffing Zimmerman up again?
According to the physical evidence, the eyewitness and the testimony. Yep, it was justified. According to public heart felt and wildly exaggerated claims made by the MSM, well then Zimmerman is guilty, but we are a nation of laws, not public opinion.

Rather hypocritical coming from an individual that's attempting to try the victim in the court of public opinion.
At the time of the shooting he wasn't a senior in high school.He was suspended for 10 days remember.Why do you keep mentioning the skittles? because it makes him seem more child like and innocent.Just say unarmed and quit spouting off what your reading on the news.

UUhhhhh hows about NO. I'd hazard a guess you can figure out where you may file those orders in the above , you aren't the arbiter of what folks get to say so get the hell over yourself.
UUhhhhh hows about NO. I'd hazard a guess you can figure out where you may file those orders in the above , you aren't the arbiter of what folks get to say so get the hell over yourself.

Would you be this worked up if it were a white kid dead? Answer honestly.
And would george zimmerman be toted around as white hating Hispanic? doubtful.If the kid were white this wouldn't have made it past local news,if it even went that far.
Would you be this worked up if it were a white kid dead? Answer honestly.
And would george zimmerman be toted around as white hating Hispanic? doubtful.If the kid were white this wouldn't have made it past local news,if it even went that far.

if it were a white kid zimmerman would be in jail. in fact if he were white zimmerman would have left martin alone.