trayvan martin

Avoid confrontation which is the policy of ANY neighborhood watch to avoid exactly what happened here. A senseless murder.
What happened to "Zimmerman wasn't in the neighborhood watch, he never attended training blah blah blah". Have you changed your stance on that now that you have more of the story?
well, this bucket of fuckall has kept me from harvesting for long enough, i'm going to get started now.

fuck all of you.

I think I'm done with this fucking race baiting thread as well. I have to drive to a neighboring medical state to pick up a he-who-must-not-be-named relative helping another he-who-must-not-be-named relative get ready for planting. They have some really nice sativas this time around. Can't wait.
justified self defense according to the murderer. My hearing is just fine. Your comprehension skills are the problem here.

According to the physical evidence, the eyewitness and the testimony. Yep, it was justified. According to public heart felt and wildly exaggerated claims made by the MSM, well then Zimmerman is guilty, but we are a nation of laws, not public opinion.
Suspicious activity definition as detailed in the Neighborhood watch handbook given to Zimmermans HOA.

 Gathering (loitering) for an extended or
unusual period of time.
Possible burglary, arson, or drug dealing.
 Behaving strangely.
Possibly on drugs or illegal activity.
 With any sort of weapon(s).
Possibly planning any number of crimes.
 Carrying, concealing or transporting
anything unusual.
Possible burglar carrying stolen property.
 Looking into cars.
Possibly casing cars for theft of car or its
 Selling or conducting business on a street
corner, park or other place where business is
not licensed.
 Running, especially if carrying something of
Possible suspect fleeing scene of crime.
 Creating any type of disturbance
Disturbing the Peace or covering up noise of
some other activity.
 Going door to door, especially if someone
goes to the rear of the residence.
Possibly casing the neighborhood.
 Loiters around schools, parks or on your
Possible burglar, sex offense, drugs or arson.
Suspicious activity definition as detailed in the Neighborhood watch handbook given to Zimmermans HOA.

 Gathering (loitering) for an extended or
unusual period of time.
Possible burglary, arson, or drug dealing.
 Behaving strangely.
Possibly on drugs or illegal activity.
 With any sort of weapon(s).
Possibly planning any number of crimes.
 Carrying, concealing or transporting
anything unusual.
Possible burglar carrying stolen property.
 Looking into cars.
Possibly casing cars for theft of car or its
 Selling or conducting business on a street
corner, park or other place where business is
not licensed.
 Running, especially if carrying something of
Possible suspect fleeing scene of crime.
 Creating any type of disturbance
Disturbing the Peace or covering up noise of
some other activity.
 Going door to door, especially if someone
goes to the rear of the residence.
Possibly casing the neighborhood.
 Loiters around schools, parks or on your
Possible burglar, sex offense, drugs or arson.
Well we found the culprit. Its the neighborhood watch program that is breeding on edge racist pukes like zimmerman, its all here for you guys to read.
Shithead (pronounced sha-thee-ad) doesn't fare well, studies show. if i were a black man, i would name my son Marcus or Benjamin.
i want to hear Bill Cosby's take on all this. not about the shooting itself, but about this aftermath. if blacks were howling about Latinos......i'd at least sorta get it. aside from his name, Zimmerman esso es un Latino.
Fuck off ND. You pick some stupid shit and go off on a tangent with your own fucking twist and then try to build an argument around it. My sarcasm was directed at YOUR stupidity. You contradict yourself, use hypocritical rhetoric, any tactic to make sure the SCARY BLACK MAN is the villain. He was the one unarmed with a hole in his chest. A senior in High School with a bag of skittles in his hand. Yes, big bad-ass thug. He made the mistake of getting a snack during halftime of a game and it happened to be raining. Which is why he was in the rain in the first place. Yet Zimmerman made up his mind this was a drug taking thug out to steal his stuff. And so he murdered an innocent child based on his stereotyped ideology and got to walk away scott free.

At the time of the shooting he wasn't a senior in high school.He was suspended for 10 days remember.Why do you keep mentioning the skittles? because it makes him seem more child like and innocent.Just say unarmed and quit spouting off what your reading on the news.
Fuck off ND. You pick some stupid shit and go off on a tangent with your own fucking twist and then try to build an argument around it. My sarcasm was directed at YOUR stupidity. You contradict yourself, use hypocritical rhetoric, any tactic to make sure the SCARY BLACK MAN is the villain. He was the one unarmed with a hole in his chest. A senior in High School with a bag of skittles in his hand. Yes, big bad-ass thug. He made the mistake of getting a snack during halftime of a game and it happened to be raining. Which is why he was in the rain in the first place. Yet Zimmerman made up his mind this was a drug taking thug out to steal his stuff. And so he murdered an innocent child based on his stereotyped ideology and got to walk away scott free.

Actually what I do is use your own arguments from the past to refute your current arguments. Please be consistent in the future. If you find you have made a mistake and have accepted hearsay or conjecture as fact and then later realize you made a mistake, no one is going to fault you for saying you messed up. You won't gain a lot of respect by denying it and then casting in the color of sarcasm so as to not look like a mistake was made.

We all make mistakes.
You are right, since there had been alot of breakins recently he was on edge, especially after having encountered someone he had never seen before acting strangely in the pouring rain, at night.

So again he was in a different mindset than a normal person, thats why he was carrying a gun? To protect his property from someone with no means of transporting any stole goods, not even a bag? A person he immediately assessed as a threat to his PS3 and HDTV?

I have been away a few days, so I quit reading at about page 130. I see I haven't missed much.

Let's wait to see how this plays out, you know, see if any more evidence emerges, whether Zimmer is charged, etc. If Z is charged then just think of all the months of fun of "discussing" this. Then... just think of all the additional fun discussing the acquittall!