trayvan martin

oh, i almost forgot. i plan on walking my dog later, i plan on wearing a carhart jacket, old cap, and blue jeans. is this acceptable enough to make sure i don't arouse suspicion? or will people mistake me for an out of work locksmith trying to break into homes and aggress me for 15 minutes?
Maybe try not beating the shit outta the armed neighbourhood watch guy, you won't get shot that way.

Go cry in your Cornflakes, you can't make a sensible argument, you just hate Hispanics and Muslims, just admit it. Jews, Blacks and Whites are ok, but Muslims and Hispanics arnt?

Democrats - Selectively Prejudiced since 2008.
This is the first fact to come out of your mouth this whole thread.

*C​apitalization is grammar.

too bad for you i am not a grammar nazi, i just enjoy pointing out the failings of the canadian educational system, of which you are clearly a victim in progress. let us know when you graduate grade school, i'll send you a hokey card.
Maybe try not beating the shit outta the armed neighbourhood watch guy, you won't get shot that way.

Go cry in your Cornflakes, you can't make a sensible argument, you just hate Hispanics and Muslims, just admit it. Jews, Blacks and Whites are ok, but Muslims and Hispanics arnt?

Democrats - Selectively Prejudiced since 2008.

i have no problem with hispanics, but people who aggressively pursue someone and then try to claim they did so in self defense register pretty low with me.

but even lower are shit stains of human beings who try to blame the victim because he looked the wrong way.
too bad for you i am not a grammar nazi, i just enjoy pointing out the failings of the canadian educational system, of which you are clearly a victim in progress. let us know when you graduate grade school, i'll send you a hokey card.

Yes its quite ironic too since you keep missing that capital.


Are you done with this stupidity yet?
i have no problem with hispanics, but people who aggressively pursue someone and then try to claim they did so in self defense register pretty low with me.

but even lower are shit stains of human beings who try to blame the victim because he looked the wrong way.

Notice how you didnt't say anything about the muslims?You muslim hating little racist.
i have no problem with hispanics, but people who aggressively pursue someone and then try to claim they did so in self defense register pretty low with me.

but even lower are shit stains of human beings who try to blame the victim because he looked the wrong way.
You assume the Hispanic guy started the fight and Skittle boy can do no wrong in your eyes, you're a bigot plain and simple. If I approach you on MY PRIVATE PROPERTY, and you start to swing at me, have I given up my right to self defence?
oh, i almost forgot. i plan on walking my dog later, i plan on wearing a carhart jacket, old cap, and blue jeans. is this acceptable enough to make sure i don't arouse suspicion? or will people mistake me for an out of work locksmith trying to break into homes and aggress me for 15 minutes?

If they do, you can always tell them you have never worked a day in your life and that you don't have to steal because you are a freeloader !
I thought the 911 operator did a bang up job too...I mean we'll just wait and see how all this plays out...gee sure is nice that everything got quieter after that gunshot...
You assume the Hispanic guy started the fight and Skittle boy can do no wrong in your eyes, you're a bigot plain and simple. If I approach you on MY PRIVATE PROPERTY, and you start to swing at me, have I given up my right to self defence?

It was public property and he was several feet from where he was staying. Zimmerman approached Trayvon. Zimmerman left his vehicle in the parking lot and followed Trayvon nearly to his front door. I'm sorry, who approached whom again?

You assume the Hispanic guy started the fight and Skittle boy can do no wrong in your eyes, you're a bigot plain and simple. If I approach you on MY PRIVATE PROPERTY, and you start to swing at me, have I given up my right to self defence?

you would have to exhaust every possible escape and my "swinging" would have to be a threat to your life or great bodily harm.

you have not given up your right to self defense, you have only subjected yourself to much stricter guidelines for self defense first.

but again, zimmerman did not simply "approach" martin, he pursued him actively for a long time, got out of his vehicle and followed him several hundred yards and then murdered him just steps away from his door.

if all zimmerman wanted to was approach him, he could have rolled down his window right away and said "hey, what are you doing here?". or he could have just called the police and sat back and stood his ground. he did neither, and he was using racial epithets along the way.

stupid canadians and drunk irish.
you would have to exhaust every possible escape and my "swinging" would have to be a threat to your life or great bodily harm.

you have not given up your right to self defense, you have only subjected yourself to much stricter guidelines for self defense first.

but again, zimmerman did not simply "approach" martin, he pursued him actively for a long time, got out of his vehicle and followed him several hundred yards and then murdered him just steps away from his door.

if all zimmerman wanted to was approach him, he could have rolled down his window right away and said "hey, what are you doing here?". ir he could have just called the police and sat back and stood his ground. he did neither, and he was using racial epithets along the way.

stupid canadians and drunk irish.
Retarded Americans, see I can do it too, doesn't win the argument tho.

A private, gated neighbourhood is private property, you keep intentionally ignoring that fact.
I thought the 911 operator did a bang up job too...I mean we'll just wait and see how all this plays out...gee sure is nice that everything got quieter after that gunshot...

zimmerman was clearly getting his ass handed to him by a kid about 10 years his minor and about 100 pounds less than him and was screaming! he couldn't possibly escape from the person who weighs so much less than him!

that's what we're about to hear from the people crowning zimmerman as a saint.
it doesn't say "initially provoked the use of justifiable force", it says "initially provoked the use of force", right or wrong.

zimmerman was the initial provoker. if he stands his ground, trayvon eats skittles. but instead, he aggressed him for hundreds of yards, making him the aggressor.

and again, there is zero physical evidence of any assault whatsoever. you have no evidence, just one notoriously unreliable eyewitness account that does not even know what happened right before the gunshot was fired and a police report in which they were "correcting" people's statements.

zimmerman was the aggressor and did not exhaust all escape options.
Asking questions is now "use of force" whoever decided that one has a small IQ.