trayvan martin

Still doubtful . Don't take my word for it , do some research on wound dynamics , along with ballistics and just how a given projectile dumps it's force.

He *may* have gotten some blood on him , it's relatively speaking on the short side of the odds , call it 4 to 1 against even if he's inches away. Nobody has said anything about the *wound* , if it's a contact wound then the " on top of him " postulation may hold some water , the WHY of that and the **who initiated conflict** will tell the story if it turned out to be true.

If there is any powder stippling on either garments or the wound itself then it was quite close , the deeper and more concentrated the stippling the closer the contact , unburned powder directly deposited into the wound channel would indicate a *contact* wound.

Look I'm not outing myself any further on this subject , do the research and you'll find out what I'm stating is true. I'd also be interested in the ***specifics*** of the sidearm in question if they are available. Regardless of what anyone within this thread may say the *type* of firearm may say quite a lot.

Prediction , it will turn out to be a low to medium end 9mm parabellum or .40 s and w , Glock , Taurus , Ruger etc. It won't turn out to be a *real* shooters sidearm such as a Sig , Bauer , Kimber or Brown. There IS a possibility of it being a lower end semi-auto in one of the " Pimp " cartridges such as .380 or .32 acp. If it's a revolver ( which I doubt) it'll be junk such as a Rossi.

The other possibility is that it will be whatever was " New and Bangerific" in the last issue of " Combat Handguns and Testosterone" that Zimmerman perused.

NOW........Flip side time to a degree. *IF* Zimmerman did it as I and others suspect and *IF* he has any humanity , morals and ethics whatsoever............then HE has constructed his own ***lifelong*** living HELL that only death will save him from and which will be a far more effective punishment than anything that we or the law could conceive.

Same thing if it alls turns out to be an accident.

Some food for thought.
The gun was a Kel Tec PF-9, so low-end semi-auto. cn
haha you dont like the taste of beer with alcohol in it? you prefer that watered down horse piss.Down here men drink canadian beer and woman drink MGD
Your wrong.Following someone for 13 minutes doesn't justify trayvon swinging on him(if thats what happened).


even if that's what happened, it does not matter if it was justified or not. read the law. all that matters is that zimmerman initially provoked the situation by being the aggressor. he was not standing his ground, which is what this law provides protection for.

learn to read AND write.

And according to the evidence that we know about it appears he did.He would be found innocent with or without the stand your ground law.

what evidence? you. have. no. evidence.
haha you dont like the taste of beer with alcohol in it? you prefer that watered down horse piss.Down here men drink canadian beer and woman drink MGD


witness the superiority of the canadian education system in action.

damn, canadians are DUMB.
You part Korean too?


while we were there, a white pit chased a smallish australian shepherd dog who yelped in distress. all the owners ran after them and the lady with the shepherd started cussing out the pit owner, saying the dog was aggressive and shouldn't be there (i assure you from my impartial position on the hill, they were just playing and the pit was well behaved). the pit owner shot back that she shouldn't bring in such a timid dog and expect anything different to happen. other pit owners stepped up and got in her face about it too (her dog was a timid fucking pussy and should have been on a leash).

in any case, things got heated and the cops were called. the lady with the timid dog started yelling at a couple of regulars whose two labs love to fight rough, telling them that their dogs should not be there playing so rough. the regulars informed her that they were a bonded pair, not aggressive strangers, and that was how they played (with any other dogs, they submit, even our puppy humps them in dominance).

the cops showed up but no dogs were arrested.

i just sat there, stoned, LOLing the whole time.

while we were there, a white pit chased a smallish australian shepherd dog who yelped in distress. all the owners ran after them and the lady with the shepherd started cussing out the pit owner, saying the dog was aggressive and shouldn't be there (i assure you from my impartial position on the hill, they were just playing and the pit was well behaved). the pit owner shot back that she shouldn't bring in such a timid dog and expect anything different to happen. other pit owners stepped up and got in her face about it too (her dog was a timid fucking pussy and should have been on a leash).

in any case, things got heated and the cops were called. the lady with the timid dog started yelling at a couple of regulars whose two labs love to fight rough, telling them that their dogs should not be there playing so rough. the regulars informed her that they were a bonded pair, not aggressive strangers, and that was how they played (with any other dogs, they submit, even our puppy humps them in dominance).

the cops showed up but no dogs were arrested.

i just sat there, stoned, LOLing the whole time.

i seen what you did there
probly because of lack of interest.
americans has some many countries to make fun of (because they are so fucking awesome)So why waste all day trolling canada?

who makes fun of canadians besides americans?

There were three guys, a Canadian, an American and a Brit. They were all going to be executed. The executioner said that since all three were to be executed that night, that they would each get to choose the method by which they would die.
Their choices were: lethal injection, electric chair or by hanging. The American was afraid of needles and didn't want to be hanged. The American chose the electric chair. He sat in the chair and they pulled the switch and nothing happened. The executioner said that if this happens a second time that he could go free. They tried a second time and again nothing happened so they set him free.
The guy from England was also afraid of needles and didn't want to be hanged so he too chose the electric chair. Once again, the chair didn’t work and he was free.
Next it was the Canadians turn to pick how he was to be executed. He said “I’m afraid of needles, the electric chair won’t work so you’re going to have to hang me”.
For people that are pushing for "equal" rights you sure crack alot of jokes.Borderline bullying maybe even harassment.Wheres my pistol? Shit Im not allowed to own 1.Im coming with snowballs and maple syrup.
Uncle Bigot strikes back...again.

so the guy who is trying to assign responsibility to martin for getting shot because he seemed so thuggish looking is trying to call me a bigot now?

you are a real "no-limits-nigga", harrekin. just an all around admirable human being.
Uncle Bigot strikes back...again.

oh, i almost forgot. i plan on walking my dog later, i plan on wearing a carhart jacket, old cap, and blue jeans. is this acceptable enough to make sure i don't arouse suspicion? or will people mistake me for an out of work locksmith trying to break into homes and aggress me for 15 minutes?