Well-Known Member
I'd be poisoning the Raybans of the world if I were black.
may I attack you then, if I promise to leave you alive? do I have that right? no. there, I answered for you.
the recipe for disaster:
1. has fight with wife..wife leaves
2. on his way to target to pick up lunches for the week..needed gun in case the bologna attacked him in the soda aisle.
3. black kid with hoodie walking with sizzurp supplies on a rainy night surely meant trouble
georgie, a gun does not make you the law and there was a reason you were turned down for the academy.
it wasn't your credit score.
the recipe for disaster:
1. has fight with wife..wife leaves
2. on his way to target to pick up lunches for the week..needed gun in case the bologna attacked him in the soda aisle.
3. black kid with hoodie walking with sizzurp supplies on a rainy night surely meant trouble
georgie, a gun does not make you the law and there was a reason you were turned down for the academy.
and it wasn't your credit score.
the kid was no good, Sky............sorry. me? I woulda said, "hi, I'm Jorge, from town-watch," and showed. just reveal the piece, and smile. that way, everyone knows what the game is.
and that would have been perfectly fine..crime watch people are the bane of a police officers existence..ask any cop.
still off-topic. let's not talk about it.
and that would have been perfectly fine..crime watch people are the bane of a police officers existence..ask any cop.
none according to the attorney's that represented the buildings owners where i fell fractured my ankle and hit my head on the concrete.
FTW..i had more injuries from that fall, than zimmy did when he ended someones life.
Yet a court of law found him innocent of any wrong doing.
not convicting is synonymous with finding innocence.actually, they found that there may have been a possibility, however small and slight, that he might have been defending himself.
but half the jury didn't really think he was defending himself. they just thought that the possibility might have existed.
burden of proof and reasonable doubt, you should learn about them.
not convicting is synonymous with finding innocence.
innocent until proven guilty.nope.
the burden of proof was on the prosecution. they needed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that zimmy did such and such.
there was a small doubt that he might have been acting in self defense, that's what got him off the hook.
half the jury had to decide based on that possibility even though they correctly felt he was being a vigilante asshole and was guilty of manslaughter.