trayvan martin

Why were you and the neighbor out stalking him? I mean we know you are the stalking type.

my neighbor alerted me the other day that a kid was walking down the street, taking notes. passed our property, sat down, wrote something, and circled back two more times. her vantage point on her porch is hidden from view, so the little joint caser had no idea he was being watched in taking his notes. this was about 5 days ago.
how does sanford's unique geographical location make it acceptable to chase after an unarmed, innocent child "in self defense"?
The innocent child was 17 years old, over 6 feet tallk, and was not being chased by Z. He was being followed, he then turned and attacked, instead of going to his home. That is not innocent behavior. He got what he deserved, one less threat to the safety of the world.
Why were you and the neighbor out stalking him? I mean we know you are the stalking type.

sitting in my own private backyard is stalking now?

my backyard is not even a common, shared area like the retreats at twin lake.

i'm a nice guy, i even had my buddy make signs warning possible intruders of the electric fence.

your buddy zimmerman got off for shooting the black kid, you should be celebrating your "victory" instead of crying to me about your racist ennui on the internet.
The innocent child was 17 years old, over 6 feet tallk, and was not being chased by Z. He was being followed, he then turned and attacked, instead of going to his home. That is not innocent behavior. He got what he deserved, one less threat to the safety of the world.

how do you "follow" someone who runs?

and why did zimmerman not go home? why is it martin's job to go home rather than zimmerman's?
sitting in my own private backyard is stalking now?

my backyard is not even a common, shared area like the retreats at twin lake.

i'm a nice guy, i even had my buddy make signs warning possible intruders of the electric fence.

your buddy zimmerman got off for shooting the black kid, you should be celebrating your "victory" instead of crying to me about your racist ennui on the internet.

My victory? I would never chase someone down and shoot them, only if they invaded my home or space. I don't pursue ppl....hence why I am not po-po suckling on gubberment udders.
Actually, my father was a devout Christian cop in the Sanford area, we were taught all men were the same and witnessed my father bringing all sorts of people home for dinner. Law enforcement officers are a mere shadow of the men they used to be.

It was only after years and years of observations and experiences that I fully understood why my set of ethics weren't carried by all. It saddens me to see these morals are carried less and less by the world in general.
Contemplating violence? You took a knife with you to murder someone. Your posts speak volumes about your lack of humanity.

QUOTE="BigNBushy, post: 9953311, member: 613618"] one night I took a hunting knife into his house with me, with the intent to kill him and take his money and drugs. There I stood, behind him while he sat in his chair, back turned to me. I had my knife in my pocket, hand on the handle. I was just a few nerve impulses and 2 seconds away from plunging a 5 inch blade into his neck. I was no more than 30 seconds away from committing murder.

As to me and my intellect, what the fuck do you know about it? I am not the one constantly bloviating about how smart my race is. That's you!

Folks like me make up 80% of the prison population?

I am a decorated veteran, with multiple college degrees.

You are, by your own admission, a JUNKIE AND A THIEF.

If we went to any prison in the country, you would have infinitely more in common, with the average inmate, than I would.


How can you call it anything more than contemplating violence when I never acted violently, and only thought about it. There was some preparation, but preparation flows from contemplation and does not reach the level of action, does it?

I was an honors student in high school, regularly made deans list in college, and got accepted into a law school. I was almost 28 years old before I ever did any hard drugs, and quit them before age 30. Yes I stole things and did drugs, these weren't lifelong behavior patterns. Not that I'm saying they were wright, I am certainly not proud that I did them, and I cannot say with certainty that I will never use again, no recovering addict can, but I recognized the problem with my ways, and took steps to remedy them, which is more than most people can say. And in fact it is more than you can say. There is a big big problem with black America. We all know why I say it exists, you say it is there for other reasons. Why don't you try doing something about it instead of getting mad at me for pointing out when we all know it is there. Do something besides blame someone else for a change?

As for yourself, I genuinely thank you for your service to this nation. You seem alright. I do not know why you feel the need to verbally attack me wherever I go around here and miss characterize the things I say. If you put your personal feelings aside and actually read what I write for content, you would realize how wrong you are when you characterize my writings.

You say I go around saying how smart my race is. I do not. I have said, when I address the issue of Caucasian intelligence, we are about middle of the road. You choose to ignore this fact for some reason. Asians are considerably smarter on IQ average, and Jews smarter still.

You and I would probably have more in common with each other, in prison, than either of us would with the vast majority of the inmates. If what you say is true, you might be the one out of six African Americans who has an IQ above that of the average white persons. So, congratulations on being exceptional in your world, it makes you normal in mine. Those are statistical facts, not subject to your or my opinion. Facts cannot be offensive, fore they are what they are. The average IQ among white Americans is 100, only one in six black Americans have an IQ at or above that level. I didn't make that up, and I didn't design black people, so don't blame me.
how do you "follow" someone who runs?

and why did zimmerman not go home? why is it martin's job to go home rather than zimmerman's?

Zimmerman is a short overweight Hispanic, Martin was an athletic looking young man who was tall. Do you really think Zimmerman could have closed the gap on him in a foot race? The chubby Hispanic ran down the athletic black youth? BULLSHIT!

Martin turned and attacked, and got what was coming to him.

It was Zimmerman's home, his neighborhood anyway. Wasn't it was gated, which means outsiders not welcome. Martin didn't live there, he had no business in there. Apparently he used the shortcut often because there had been a lot of thefts prior to Martin's assault and battery of Zimmerman.
You would have to see the way cocaine changed Sanford to understand why a person felt like he needed to be proactive in protecting his neighbors...
Zimmerman is a short overweight Hispanic, Martin was an athletic looking young man who was tall. Do you really think Zimmerman could have closed the gap on him in a foot race? The chubby Hispanic ran down the athletic black youth? BULLSHIT!

Martin turned and attacked, and got what was coming to him.

It was Zimmerman's home, his neighborhood anyway. Wasn't it was gated, which means outsiders not welcome. Martin didn't live there, he had no business in there. Apparently he used the shortcut often because there had been a lot of thefts prior to Martin's assault and battery of Zimmerman.

about as racist as it gets right there.

martin was residing there, he had every right to be in the common area and had no obligation to go home. you and desert dude and other racists love to take that racist stance that martin needed to know his place though.

and if zimmerman wasn't actively searching for martin, what was he doing out back behind the houses looking for an address where none existed with two flashlights and a loaded gun?
You would have to see the way cocaine changed Sanford to understand why a person felt like he needed to be proactive in protecting his neighbors...

we get it, you're a racist. you've made that much apparent and everyone can see it. it's just that i'm the one who will say what everyone else is thinking.
How can you call it anything more than contemplating violence when I never acted violently, and only thought about it. There was some preparation, but preparation flows from contemplation and does not reach the level of action, does it?

I was an honors student in high school, regularly made deans list in college, and got accepted into a law school. I was almost 28 years old before I ever did any hard drugs, and quit them before age 30. Yes I stole things and did drugs, these weren't lifelong behavior patterns. Not that I'm saying they were wright, I am certainly not proud that I did them, and I cannot say with certainty that I will never use again, no recovering addict can, but I recognized the problem with my ways, and took steps to remedy them, which is more than most people can say. And in fact it is more than you can say. There is a big big problem with black America. We all know why I say it exists, you say it is there for other reasons. Why don't you try doing something about it instead of getting mad at me for pointing out when we all know it is there. Do something besides blame someone else for a change?

As for yourself, I genuinely thank you for your service to this nation. You seem alright. I do not know why you feel the need to verbally attack me wherever I go around here and miss characterize the things I say. If you put your personal feelings aside and actually read what I write for content, you would realize how wrong you are when you characterize my writings.

You say I go around saying how smart my race is. I do not. I have said, when I address the issue of Caucasian intelligence, we are about middle of the road. You choose to ignore this fact for some reason. Asians are considerably smarter on IQ average, and Jews smarter still.

You and I would probably have more in common with each other, in prison, than either of us would with the vast majority of the inmates. If what you say is true, you might be the one out of six African Americans who has an IQ above that of the average white persons. So, congratulations on being exceptional in your world, it makes you normal in mine. Those are statistical facts, not subject to your or my opinion. Facts cannot be offensive, fore they are what they are. The average IQ among white Americans is 100, only one in six black Americans have an IQ at or above that level. I didn't make that up, and I didn't design black people, so don't blame me.

your long history of stealing from your parents, walmart, attempted first degree murder, and all the rest of your scummy dealings aside, there is a huge difference between a score on a WAIS-IV and actual intelligence.

but you probably don't wish to address the fact that "who was catherine the great?" does not actually measure intelligence in any way since it works against your debunked stance of evolutionary racism.
And who brought race into my conversation, I was talking about criminals.

what crime was martin guilty of then?

because you started this off by saying that zimmerman did the right thing, then went off on some rant about race and "cultural ethics" (yeah, not hard to decipher that euphemism), and now you want to say that race was never a part of this, criminality is.

so what crime was martin guilty of? what history of violence did he have?

here's the thing with racists like you: you don't need to play dumb. it's redundant.
about as racist as it gets right there.

martin was residing there, he had every right to be in the common area and had no obligation to go home. you and desert dude and other racists love to take that racist stance that martin needed to know his place though.

and if Zimmerman wasn't actively searching for martin, what was he doing out back behind the houses looking for an address where none existed with two flashlights and a loaded gun?
You're spreading false information if you're saying that Martin had an address within the same neighborhood. He lived not to far away, but they weren't neighbors, and Martin had absolutely no business being where he was when this all went down. At best he was trespassing.

You have some innate inability to tell this story with out misrepresenting some material fact about it. I wonder why that is?
You're spreading false information if you're saying that Martin had an address within the same neighborhood. He lived not to far away, but they weren't neighbors, and Martin had absolutely no business being where he was when this all went down. At best he was trespassing.

You have some innate inability to tell this story with out misrepresenting some material fact about it. I wonder why that is?

how does some trespass in the common area where he is residing?

does this also apply to white college kids in the common area of a dormitory?