trayvan martin

WRONG!..........and a MAJOR defensive error and hole on your thinking * NO* sidearm screams BACK UP until it's trained on the assailant and even then it's YOUR job to scream it.

*NEVER* ever carry purely for the purpose of intimidation , which is why I actually prefer concealed , wait until intimidation is a necessary component of saving your ass , then is the time to dig on it and no sooner.
Guess you had to just write something for a debate, but I guarantee the sight of a weapon will stop most people from fucking with you .. Been around weapons to long for you to tell me anything different..Tell you what go inside a public place pull out your biggest side arm..Don't even point it at any one ..just say "excuse me" ..then you tell me if people "back the fuck up" or come to help you.
I have heard that Zimmerman had a bloody nose and neck.

You dont seem to want to get all of the facts before you try, convict and execute this guy.

zimmerman aggressively pursued martin, called him a fucking coon, shot him to death, and then claimed self defense.

you seem to toe whatever line fox news tells you to.

partisan hack gonna hack partisanly.
Guess you had to just write something for a debate, but I guarantee the sight of a weapon will stop most people from fucking with you .. Been around weapons to long for you to tell me anything different..Tell you what go inside a public place pull out your biggest side arm..Don't even point it at any one ..just say "excuse me" ..then you tell me if people "back the fuck up" or come to help you.

Why the fuck would you pull a sidearm in a public place without it being necessary?

That tells me more about you than anything else you have ever posted...
zimmerman aggressively pursued martin, called him a fucking coon, shot him to death, and then claimed self defense.

you seem to toe whatever line fox news tells you to.

partisan hack gonna hack partisanly.

Ok, first off you are an idiot but everybody already knew that.. No surprise there.

Secondly, there have been many opinions expressed on Fox News so it is not possible for me to be towing the line for all of them.

Third, I suggested you get all of the information before you execute the guy but your subsequent post just shows you have already made up your mind and are ready for the sentencing.
I have heard that Zimmerman had a bloody nose and neck.

You dont seem to want to get all of the facts before you try, convict and execute this guy.

Zimmerman should have not gotten out his vehicle and followed the young man..He was clearly the aggressor and for what ???? So now you telling me I can follow you around with my 9mm and then confront you..then if you get the upper hand on me I can you shot you dead..really ???
Ok, first off you are an idiot but everybody already knew that.. No surprise there.

an internet gaylord is calling me names on a pot forum! heavens to betsy, whatever shall i do?

Secondly, there have been many opinions expressed on Fox News so it is not possible for me to be towing the line for all of them.

it's "toeing the line", not "towing the line". you are not a boat. you are a partisan hack who stands behind whatever nonsense fox news puts out.

Third, I suggested you get all of the information before you execute the guy but your subsequent post just shows you have already made up your mind and are ready for the sentencing.

what more do we need?

zimmerman, who is twice the size of martin, aggressively pursued him (fact, zimmerman himself said so), called him a fucking coon (fact, easily audible on 911 tapes), and shot him dead (fact).

are you going to try to tell me that fits the narrative of self defense? i fucking dare you. go ahead.
Guess you had to just write something for a debate, but I guarantee the sight of a weapon will stop most people from fucking with you .. Been around weapons to long for you to tell me anything different..Tell you what go inside a public place pull out your biggest side arm..Don't even point it at any one ..just say "excuse me" ..then you tell me if people "back the fuck up" or come to help you.

Nope I didn't " write it for purposes of debate" and ya missed something in one of the other threads. I *am* a licensed defensive firearms instructor , and you just FAILED a defensive carry course purely on the basis of ego and mouth. Defensive carry is not about running around playing " look at me I'm big-n-bad because I gots a GUNZ" save your hyperbole and sensationalistic bullshit for someone else , I'm not impressed by folks who looked down while they were taking a leak and subsquent to that purchased a fiream out of feelings of inadequacy.

Run your mouth as you have here with the same attitude in one of my CCW cert classes and you'd be dismissed and would be noted as unsuitable to take it again.
Tells me that you don't take the time to read a thread dumb azz.

Wearing a sidearm is one thing. Pulling it out and playing dirty harry is completely different. It illustrates what a juvenile asshole you are and explains alot about the way you post here.
an internet gaylord is calling me names on a pot forum! heavens to betsy, whatever shall i do?

it's "toeing the line", not "towing the line". you are not a boat. you are a partisan hack who stands behind whatever nonsense fox news puts out.

what more do we need?

zimmerman, who is twice the size of martin, aggressively pursued him (fact, zimmerman himself said so), called him a fucking coon (fact, easily audible on 911 tapes), and shot him dead (fact).

are you going to try to tell me that fits the narrative of self defense? i fucking dare you. go ahead.

I am saying that I am going to wait for the federal review before convicting the guy.

Apparently you have jumped on the lynch wagon and cant be bothered to take the time to make sure things are done right.

There is no *Fox News* line on the story, just like most other topics they present many opinions and request that their viewers "decide".
Damn it. My buttless chaps are at the cleaners. We'll have to make this a rain check. :twisted:

I think "buttless chaps" is redundant ... unless you're talking about a Yorkshire pensioners' soccer league.

I actually had a pair of chaps back when i rode bikes. I did feel kind a weird wearing them at times. Maybe they should have not replaced the jeans. The swarm of yellowjackets was traumatic. cn
We argue back and forth here about politics and policy, I can honestly say that I'm shocked that there is any debate at all on this subject.

You have to be completely ignorant to fact, a straight up racist, a shitty human being or a combination of the three to be able to defend that shooting. The shooter pursued, confronted and shot an unarmed kid. Race aside, it was not justified. Any person that's been in the service, law enforcement or a basic fucking handgun safety class knows that.

Seriously, we argue alot here but to read someone defending the shooter disgusts me, even for here it's beyond low.
Nope I didn't " write it for purposes of debate" and ya missed something in one of the other threads. I *am* a licensed defensive firearms instructor , and you just FAILED a defensive carry course purely on the basis of ego and mouth. Defensive carry is not about running around playing " look at me I'm big-n-bad because I gots a GUNZ" save your hyperbole and sensationalistic bullshit for someone else , I'm not impressed by folks who looked down while they were taking a leak and subsquent to that purchased a fiream out of feelings of inadequacy.

Run your mouth as you have here with the same attitude in one of my CCW cert classes and you'd be dismissed and would be noted as unsuitable to take it again.
First off already CCW legal..second we are talking about if the mere site of a weapon causing people to pause , in which you said it will not. I disagree.. 3rd we are not in another thread we are in this one. 4th I only carry when transporting large sums of money and NEVER just for show ( something that was discussed in this thread )... The conversation was between me and Nodrama and we clearly understood what the other was speaking please take your gun instructor god complex ass out the conversation if you can't follow..I think the military taught me how to respect firearms better then your little speech ever could.
Man I don't think I could ever imagine my kid being put to death in that situation. I see no remorse from this guy who is trying to play the victim card as much as possible. I mean how do you walk up behind someone, engage them physically, fatally wound your "attacker" or "suspicious party" and all of a sudden become a victim?

The fact is this guy clearly and obviously murdered. He made very poor judgement calls, as well as the dispatcher. The dispatcher has no way of being able to tell the mental health of this "citizen" , let alone the capacity to properly handle a weapon in that situation. The dispatcher should never promoted this guy engaging another based solely on the fact that the dispatcher knew he was armed and had no way of telling that he would make this sort of piss poor judgement.

All around its murder in the first degree for him and the dispatcher should be charged with aiding a felony at the very least. She failed to do her job, and she failed to save the life of an innocent citizen. Like most in Law Enforcement they are good at fucking up and are disgraceful to think they "serve and protect". More people have died at the hands of LEO then LEO have died at the hands of a citizen. Yet they say "to serve and PROTECT"
Our great first responder did a disservice to the community and failed to protect the life of a innocent young citizen. With as much respect as possible, it does not surprise me.

If you don't think race played any role...let me tell you what the first officer on seen reported to dispatch...1 WHITE MALE...1 BLACK MALE....Yet race ain't important? Every officer follows the protocol of identifying people FULLY and that INCLUDES RACE!
First off already CCW legal..second we are talking about if the mere site of a weapon causing people to pause , in which you said it will not. I disagree.. 3rd we are not in another thread we are in this one. 4th I only carry when transporting large sums of money and NEVER just for show ( something that was discussed in this thread )... The conversation was between me and Nodrama and we clearly understood what the other was speaking please take your gun instructor god complex ass out the conversation if you can't follow..I think the military taught me how to respect firearms better then your little speech ever could.

People who attempt to defend Zimmerman are only telling just what type of person they are
This guy has a right to counsel, but fuck me if you can find a coward to do it. Im sure he will but its only cause representation is getting $$$. I wonder (if he gets a lawyer) if his lawyer will have a change of heart and realize how morally wrong it is to defend someone who has obvious killed an unarmed CHILD via a gun and a twisted perception of reality.
No stupid , we're talking about your bullshit attitude. And NO I won't take my ass out of the conversation , and just what the f*** do YOU think you're gonna do about it?

And BULLSHIT , you've shown why you carry here , of you'll make an EXCUSE like large sums of money , but in reality it's a dickwaving exercise with you , you're the kind jackass that just HAS to make sure everyone present KNOWs that you " carry" , which just may backfire on ya someday in a *REAL* defensive situation.

Now quit trying to impress me , you ain't accomplishing it and I could give two shits about your " military" career , you probably spent a couple a years as a freaking quartermaster or file clerk.

You 'd have FAILED the CCW courses here , ANY of them not just ours.

By the way CLOWN , I can carry a 220c , two spare mags , an SP101 backup and a spare speedloader and ***nobodyis the wiser*** and fuck if they'll know unless it becomes necessary,

You on the other hand wanna wave a dick that says Beretta while screaming BACK OFF and glaring , meanwhile the "bad guy" has done shot your ass already..........

COMPLETE FAIL!!!!........ but at least you just failed here on the 'Netz , your wounded ego will heal and your decreased testosterone count will go back up as you fondle your Dicketta without the consequences of such a FAILURE in a real world scenario.

No order me around some more , it's fun not following your orders , you have such a cute mouth when you're mad.
guy I'm sitting here getting high laughing at you thinking you know me...This the internet do as you like.. read post #57 and your lame azz will see just what I said about carrying my firearm...Now pull your panties out your cum soak ass.
I am saying that I am going to wait for the federal review before convicting the guy.

Apparently you have jumped on the lynch wagon and cant be bothered to take the time to make sure things are done right.

There is no *Fox News* line on the story, just like most other topics they present many opinions and request that their viewers "decide".

wow, an endorsement for fox news.

there are enough facts already for any person of sound mind to conclude that zimmerman was not acting in self defense and furthermore that he committed a hate crime.

you go ahead and sit in coward's corner, the rest of us with eyeballs and ears will press for justice.