Well-Known Member
You would fear for your life and then turn around and talk to the guy? seems legit.
i am walking home.
this guy first follows me in his truck down the road.
so instead of walking down the road, which also brings me to my parents' home, i walk down the greenbelt. the greenbelt is an area surrounded by grass with a sidewalk going through it for walking your dog or taking a jog, by the way.
i am walking down the greenbelt and this creepy guy that is following me for no reason gets out of his truck and follows me several hundred yards into the greenbelt. he is talking on the phone and sounds out of breath like he is trying to catch up to me walking. i hear him say "these assholes always get away" as he is following me.
i am just a little high, talking on the phone to my girlfriend, and i put down the phone, turn around, and ask him "why are you following me?"
he yells back "what are you doing here?"
at that point, the man who is out of breath and got out of his vehicle to follow me finally catches up to me about 100 or 200 yards off the road. more yelling ensues. a scuffle ensues. neighbors start to notice the yelling. they notice a scuffle.
in that scuffle, i manage to land a punch or two on the guy. i just want to get away though.
woops, i defended myself against the wrong guy. i defended myself against a cop wannabe vigilante with a known history of assaults, drinking, temper problems, "snapping"....
this guy snaps and throws me off him. he draws his gun and says "you're going to die now" and fires as i scream helplessly. i land face down and my attacker straddles me.
a few seconds pass. onlookers see the man who is 10 years my senior and 50+ pounds heavier straddling me. they ask him questions. he doesn't respond. they ask more questions and he gets up, walks back to the sidewalk, and says "call the police" as he touches his forehead with his hand, a worried look on his face.
he does not look injured. he looks worried.
my attacker is treated within 15 minutes for his injuries, goes downtown to the police station, and tells his story. the guy he tells his story to, who does that for living, says that does not add up. i am unconvinced. he suggests that they press manslaughter charges on my attacker.
but wait.
the prosecutor leaves his house on a sunday night, meets with the police chief, and says "cut him loose".
the prosecutor later resigns to avoid "the appearance of a conflict of interest". the police chief he met with that night also steps down.
everything i just said lines up perfectly with the trayvon martin case, detail for detail, including your account.