Traveling with weed...


Well-Known Member
Hi RIU. Well, see, I like to travel and I like to smoke(obviously). So it makes sense that I would travel with bud. Now when I drive somewhere traveling with bud isn't a problem. However, if I fly on a plane, it becomes much more difficult to take weed with me on a trip. Now I don't smoke cigarettes so I'm not sure if cigarettes can be taken on a plane in your carry-on or even just have them in your luggage. My idea was to remove all the tobbaco from the cigarettes and fill them with weed and place them back in the pack. This way even through x-ray, I would suspect they would still appear the same. Does anyone know if cigarettes can be packed in your things? Has anyone possibly tried this before? I've put bud inside of some smokes before but never to fool anyone. So do you all think this idea sounds like it would work or would there be too much chance of geting caught?


Well-Known Member
that sounds totally fine. you could also tape it to your leg, chest, or arm. remember, YOU don't pass through an x ray machine (that we know of anyway, and if you did they wouldn't waste it spilling the beans on someone with a gram of sweet leaf)


Well-Known Member
my buddy does it all the time. I never have brought it thru the airport, but I could have with no problem many times. the cig thing would work, you could just tape it to your inner thigh.


Active Member
I've done it domestically numerous times myself, just put it by your sack and make sure you don't give a reason for a "pat down".

Personally I have not and would not take weed overseas with me on a plane.


Well-Known Member
that sounds totally fine. you could also tape it to your leg, chest, or arm. remember, YOU don't pass through an x ray machine (that we know of anyway, and if you did they wouldn't waste it spilling the beans on someone with a gram of sweet leaf)
i like that idea of taping to the inside of your thigh or something. ive never been patted down in an airport so it sounds pretty good. cause having my bud not pass through some sort of x-ray period is the best option. thanks guys!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I dunno about that cigarette idea.... I guess it depends on what airports you are going in and out of. My point is that the cigs. aren't sealed and therefore there would be odor (maybe not detectable by human nose.... but canine for sure).

So if you are flying in and out of say Miami.... I would say BAD IDEA!!!! However if you are flying in and out of a po-dunk town with tiny airport there would be less a chance of drug sniffing dogs hanging around.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i like that idea of taping to the inside of your thigh or something. ive never been patted down in an airport so it sounds pretty good. cause having my bud not pass through some sort of x-ray period is the best option. thanks guys!

I travel all the time for business.... and just so you know... they don't need a reason, valid or otherwise, to pull you aside for a second screening which would include a pat down. They can do it simply because they don't like the way you look. The fact that you haven't been pulled aside before is no indication that you won't be in the future.

Trust me on this ;)


Active Member
I agree, if youre a dude put it by your sac.
I wouldn't know, Im not a guy...but..
My mom has flown from Pennsylvania to Florida with it in her bra.
So it's definitly possible.


Well-Known Member
I just came back from honolulu to chicago with a stop each way. I also had weed on me at every stop. I put the weed in a baggie with a glass pipe or you can use papers, just no metal. I put that bag in another bag and wrap that with blue painters tape. You have to use 2 bags not so much for the smell but because when you unwrap it the tape will stick to the first bag and you will have to kinda rip it open. Without the 2ed bag you will have a mess. Trust me I had to learn that the hard way. Ok so you have you bags all taped up. Now if you are a boxers guy this wont work but if you where briefs you are all set. If you open the fly you will see it makes a purfect pocket for a bit over a half oz. Just tuck it in and your all set. I did just this and went through the full security in chicago, la, honolulu and san francisco with no trouble.


Well-Known Member
I didnt have any problems at all. I only saw one dog in chicago and that was it and he was sleeping. I did figure that honolulu would be the hardest but really it was a breeze If anyone is looking for weed it would be them. I only had about 2 grams with me on the trip home so i didnt think it would smell much.

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
they do random checks on people and on the checked luggage. but my friend just came back from LA with some OG kush taped to his leg and they random searched him.


Well-Known Member
I saw some people that got pulled out of the line and I watched pretty close as I wanted to know what they went through. They people searching just had them take off the shoes and then they took the wand and waved them all around them. They never actually touched the people though.


Well-Known Member
They, airports that is, have these space-agey new "puffer" machines that take little air samples from all over your body and analyze the scent(?) of the that's a tricky thing to pass if you're carrying a nice little bounty of nugget.......But.... I found that Saran wrap, cling wrap if you will, makes an excellent odor blocker. Just wrap up your baggy with maybe 5 or 6 (or 25) layers of the shit into a little nose can penetrate that.