Traveling with weed from california to mass via plane


Well-Known Member
No doubt... An gram of wit is worth an ounce of prevention any day... It's the "bootlegger's" code... Don't give them any reason to suspect anything, and they likely won't... But, good, common sense and sometimes that inner, gut-feeling reign supreme over all of these things...

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I've flown out of San Jose with weed no problem before. It's not a super high security airport. My buddy flies out of SJ or SF regularly with weed, but he's fucking crazy -- last trip of his was to New Zealand. He's never been caught, but we're always wondering when he will.


Id use my remaining time in Cali, and try to just get u some kief pops and sweet jane's brownie's and de-label them, and mebye mix them with a buncha other similar-looking treats, and bang bang, skeet, skeet... I did it from San Fran, to Dallas-Ft-Worth, AND then back to Memphis... No problamos... Seeds... I wanna say I just had them well-hidden in my checked baggage, and they were still there, un-touched, when I got back home... Thatz what I did, and probly what Id do again... Id also smoke that g up before I hit LAX, and enjoy the ride... U will be much more at ease, and u will be nicely stoned for the whole trip with medical lollipops, and brownies, and the capabilities to re-create that dankness when u do get back... A six month wait on sum fire-ass homegrown to grow, dry, and cure up beats six months or even 6 minutes, in a jailhouse, anywhere, in my book...

I just don't know where to get any of those, otherwise I would. :(