Traveling with Oil, Edibles, Seeds

Hello all,
I'll be taking a trip to Cali to see my brother graduate from basic, obviously I'm going to be visiting the dispensaries. I'd like to bring some seeds, and oil back with me maybe some edibles. I'll be flying, so is there any good way to get it home with me checked bags....? Mail it...? Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks!

keister it.

i think you could get a full batch of brownies up there if you tried hard enough.

in all seriousness it's not something i would do but it seems like lots of people do it. enjoy the dispensaries while you're here. eat an edible before you go through security at the airport. maybe seeds would be fine but i don't often see them in dispensaries around southern california anyways.

my friends have flown with weed, one of them even internationally. not something i would ever do.
no checked bags, they sometimes bring dogs out to check out the bag bins before they get unloaded. you could fedex it to yourself and be a little safer. Or find an e-juice that you like and re-bottle it? Or dissolve the concentrate into some ethanol and put it into tiny airplane liquor bottles and evap when you get home!
i know people that fly with vape pens all the time.

i once forgot about some of those sour worm gummies on a trip to CO a while back and they never checked... I had a carry on only....

you can't be stupid and load up with 5 each 500ML bottles of tincture, 20 E-liquids, 7 pounds of brownies, 150 seeds and 20 packets of the gummies and have them think it's all good and normal.

they don't prosecute you -they refer it to local authorities so I don't know how California deals with flying with weed.....
i know people that fly with vape pens all the time.

i once forgot about some of those sour worm gummies on a trip to CO a while back and they never checked... I had a carry on only....

you can't be stupid and load up with 5 each 500ML bottles of tincture, 20 E-liquids, 7 pounds of brownies, 150 seeds and 20 packets of the gummies and have them think it's all good and normal.

they don't prosecute you -they refer it to local authorities so I don't know how California deals with flying with weed.....

all various legalities/illegalities and procedures are detailed in the high times article i posted up there. for instance denver intl airport is cannabis free so you would've been subject to a ticket and confiscation for the gummies you had. thats the local law. suffice to say you can board a plane at SFO and probably other california airports with weed. thats not the problem. the problem happens when you land. if this risk is worth it to you, then sure. cant think of a situation where it would be worth it to me.
if you look at the small 5-10 ml bottles of tincture they do not look all the different from other bottles of essential oils. so if you carry one - it will probably go through no problem. if you have 20 bottles then it may raise suspicion you know what I mean......

we don't know this guy's current situation is right now.... for all we know he might be about to start chemo in a non-medical state......there's plenty of situations where taking a risk of missing a flight and getting a low-level drug offense might be worth it.... shit going to certain in-laws homes for a weekend might just put one over the edge of risk-reward.....
IMO they are clueless to oil and edibles. Just make sure edibles are in a non-descrip ziplock or something. I have travelled to many countries and states without issue (knock on wood).

When traveling with oil cartridges, I always bring a bottle of regular e-juice that looks very close to the color of oil. That way if anything does come up, it looks more legit. If its a particularly strict country or state, I even smear some of the e-juice around the mouthpiece of the cartridge to disguise it more. I usually stick the vape with my phone and other electronics. Vapes are so common now they don't even bat an eye.

The only time its really sketchy is when ur flying with straight up flower.

4 simple rules:

1.) be discreet
2.) don't carry questionable amounts
3.) always in your carry on.
4.) don't blaze on the plane. (eat as much edible as you want though, just make sure the 5 year old next to you doesn't want a piece of your cookie or brownie. :-P)
I just went to mail a package for work and UPS had me completely unbox it and searched the box . . . They repackaged it though lol.
If you really want to fuck with them bring a box of cucumbers and jars of vaseline, then next time they might not check.

Weird you can fly from Cali to Mass (or any legal states) and its ok to bring it on board legally? Colorado everyone has their on.