Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

Most airports in the us are using FULL BODY XRAY SCANS, and will most def see this. Drive do NOT BRING ANYTHING on the flight. As for the coffee grounds that will NOT fool a dog period the dog will smell coffee, plastic tube, cannabis. etc. Crazy idea but permeation rates are much less the colder it is. Liquid nitrogen would be great.
Stay Safe man & use your head.
Driving into Mexico you could probably have it on your lap!

Any time I ever fly international or not, most boxer briefs have double layers through the croch accessible from the penis window, so I vacuum seal an once or two that will also compress it and then crotch it!

It's worked at least 40 times in the states including Hawaii, as for international LAX to Dallas to Bahamas & NY to Ireland & all sorts of trips to Mexico!

Don't do it if your a nervous person! Sometimes you get the random pat down and if you can't play it off or spook n' sweat easy you might as well not do it! Sweating and looking worried at the airport ---- you figure it out.
I smuggled weed across the Can/US border both ways for years strictly for personnel use of course. Had one close call with the dogs in Buffalo but I just told the customs guy I was allergic to dogs and he was more than welcome to search all he wants in my truck but the dog has to stay on the ground even made him remove his boots to search LOL. Keep in mind folks this was all pre 911. All I ever did was fill up a one hitter box as full as I could get it with the weed all broken up which was usually about 1/2 z or so. Had it stashed behind the headliner of the truck.
Bro Bro DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WEED IS IN MEXICO???!!!! Dont be dumb snatch some from down there and keep the rest at your house so u can smoke a blunt when you get home, Call it you home sweet home blunt and lite that bitch. No need to go to fed prison.
we heres my 2 pence worth what ive done before

1 wrap weed tights as hell in ballon cut of the excess
2 buy some brillcream take out can be messy lol
3 put herb at bottom cover again with the brillcream put lid on and put it in ur suitcase NOT hand luggage

done this 5 times over 8 years worked every time
as far as economy, ya they might spend some here, but most of the 24 inch rims are manufactured elsewhere, most of the jewelry is manufactured elsewhere, they buy foriegn cars, clothing made elsewhere, so we get a lil retail money back?????? the lion share goes to columbia, peru, baranquia, and where the hell ever heroin is produced, south east asia i guess.
so out of say 150 dollar 100 bucks is adios

You sir need to watch the union. Drugs inject alot of money into the economy.
I live in Nogales.Az. Cross the border almost every other day. I know some people. Most of the weed is seedy shit. You just gotta know the right people. I usually get that sticky stuff mm mm
dont be an idiot they gona fuck u up n extort u for money cops overtheir aint nothing nice they r also theives n you cant do shit man how do i know im mexican good luck i dont even go over thier.
I have to ask.. why would you be smuggling weed INTO mexico? Seems like they're is tons of the stuff there..

Here's you're sign :)

Joking about the sign thing.. but still wondering why sneaking weed into Mexico would be on your list? Its pretty cheap there you know..

So I have been doing quite a bit of research into stashing a little weed onto the airplane. Now Im headed to mexico and I have some dank nug that I wanna bring for our trip. Here's my setup. Under armor boxers, a 2 liter soda bottle tube before expansion (photo), and ground coffee.

So Im want to bring about an 1/8th or so. we tried this domestically no problem but internationally? drug dogs?
You freeze the tube the night before (1/8th of an inch thick plastic - these are the same bottles that hold pressurized CO2 for soda purposes) then before we leave ill put the nugs in my air tight baggie, and surround it in coffee grounds. We wont be bringing it back with us, just into mexico. Take the tube and stick it in the underarmor on the inside of your thigh.

Give me some feedback

*the point of the soda bottle is to keep the smell in, Plastic airtight tube>Coffee>plastic baggie>bud
Ill probs wrap it in electrical tape too or something

The max amount of time between stashing it in the tube/my pants until we board the plain will be approx 2 hours.
the smell of anything will permeate through anything given enough time. the key is to find the most non-porous material, pack it in at the last moment. make sure you wear gloves with the gloves never touching anything that has residue on it. i dont know if theres anything on the planet that doesnt have pores.
i have an idea, u could buy a brand new pack of cigarettes, then hollow some out and split the weed up into small amounts and then put like a few pinches in each cig. then pack the rest of the cig down with tobacco on top so it looks real.

the only problem is ive never tried this before and the smell of the tobacco might not cover up the even small amount of weed so test it first
So I have been doing quite a bit of research into stashing a little weed onto the airplane. Now Im headed to mexico and I have some dank nug that I wanna bring for our trip. Here's my setup. Under armor boxers, a 2 liter soda bottle tube before expansion (photo), and ground coffee.

So Im want to bring about an 1/8th or so. we tried this domestically no problem but internationally? drug dogs?
You freeze the tube the night before (1/8th of an inch thick plastic - these are the same bottles that hold pressurized CO2 for soda purposes) then before we leave ill put the nugs in my air tight baggie, and surround it in coffee grounds. We wont be bringing it back with us, just into mexico. Take the tube and stick it in the underarmor on the inside of your thigh.

Give me some feedback

*the point of the soda bottle is to keep the smell in, Plastic airtight tube>Coffee>plastic baggie>bud
Ill probs wrap it in electrical tape too or something

The max amount of time between stashing it in the tube/my pants until we board the plain will be approx 2 hours.
This is Vonwinny. This is his first post out of three, all on the same day. Vonwinny never came back from Mexico, hell he may not have even made it in. Let this be a lesson, most of these people never post again. :neutral:
"FoolProof" my ass
So I have been doing quite a bit of research into stashing a little weed onto the airplane. Now Im headed to mexico and I have some dank nug that I wanna bring for our trip. Here's my setup. Under armor boxers, a 2 liter soda bottle tube before expansion (photo), and ground coffee.

So Im want to bring about an 1/8th or so. we tried this domestically no problem but internationally? drug dogs?
You freeze the tube the night before (1/8th of an inch thick plastic - these are the same bottles that hold pressurized CO2 for soda purposes) then before we leave ill put the nugs in my air tight baggie, and surround it in coffee grounds. We wont be bringing it back with us, just into mexico. Take the tube and stick it in the underarmor on the inside of your thigh.

Give me some feedback

*the point of the soda bottle is to keep the smell in, Plastic airtight tube>Coffee>plastic baggie>bud
Ill probs wrap it in electrical tape too or something

The max amount of time between stashing it in the tube/my pants until we board the plain will be approx 2 hours.
Travelling from a private airport?
If not, the bottle is gonna look pretty funny, and your nuts pretty small when they send you through the x-ray.
This is Vonwinny. This is his first post out of three, all on the same day. Vonwinny never came back from Mexico, hell he may not have even made it in. Let this be a lesson, most of these people never post again. :neutral:
"FoolProof" my ass
Shit, I didn't even realize this was another old plus more old thread someone dug up while bored.