Traveling seed/extra sprout?


Sup guys. First time grower here. First off I'm wondering why the 1st sprout grew off to the side instead of the middle where I planted it. I think it's cause I planted it sideways instead of root down. I figured what's the point, it's a plant, it can figure itself out. Not quite apparently. Second I'm wondering what this second "sprout" is that ended up in the middle where the original seed was planted. Like is it a root? o_0 or do I have twins? im kinda confused. I thought it was a root at first, and to my knowledge roots don't like light. So i covered it up a bit, and it still surfaced back above the soil, twice. So I have no idea. I'm not covering it ant the moment though. The first pic shows the first sprout and "root", second pic is first sprout, third pic is the second "sprout" Thanks guys



Active Member
yeah it grew off to the side cause thats the way the seed was laying, no worries there

and id say let that other thing grow a bit so you can see what it is....bongsmilie

good luck on the grow!!!!!

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
It looks like the waste from mixing concrete or the dirt from under my house. Mud in the morning, dust by the afternoon.


Yeah. You guys don't have to tell me it was stupid, I know it was lol. Don't know if microwaving the soil helps sterilize it but I did it anyway. I'm using all the resources I can at the moment, this is basically a hobo grow.

Cpl. CornB33F

Active Member
It doesn't. you have to bake it. I wouldn't do it though cause now you got bugs and shit in the soil. Your gonna get weeds (and not the good kind)!


Well-Known Member
that explains your unknown sprout controversy, the one in the middle is probably the one you planted, becuz the spot where the first sprout is looks pretty far from the middle!


Active Member
Pretty much already solved but just summing it up, so the actual weed (Good kind) is in the middle. The thing to the left you might want to get rid of because it seems to be some random plant that survived your microwave of death.


LOL... That's hilarious... I feel kind of noob now thinking that it actually traveled that far before sprouting up. Anyways I pulled the random plant thing. Taking another look at it, it doesnt even look like a marijuana sprout. I guess i just got carried away since it was the first to sprout. Well thanks guys, might keep you posted if the actual plant doesn't shrivel up and die.


Well-Known Member
You really are going to have problems with that dirt. There is almost no drainage to it - the roots are gonna have trouble. If you can come up with a couple bucks even, go to Walmart or the Dollar General, someplace like that, and get a cheap bag of potting soil. If you can swing a bag of perlite too, even better, but the soil alone would be a start 100% in the right direction.


Well the problem for me is that getting anything locally isn't really an option. I have to order everything. I suppose I might as well though, I mean what's the point of coming this far just to half ass it, right? What amount would be sufficient for 2 plants in seperate pots?

Edit: Nevermind all that. I think a 20lb bag should suffice. It's around $12. This is what I'm looking at


Well-Known Member
That'll work, hell just about any potting soil would be better than your yard dirt. I'm not saying it to be mean either - I was a hardhead, tried it on my first grow - never again!


Heh yeah I understand. I think my grandma's got some perlite in her garage. It's probably 20 years old though >_> How did that grow turn out btw?


Well-Known Member
lol...I got a whopping 12 grams off that plant, after eight weeks of vegging, and flowering under a 400w HPS!


Active Member
yeah i would definitly change out the soil and put some perlite into too

perlite helps alot for good drainage

my plants seemed to grow faster with it...

keep em green.......:weed: