traveling light!! +++rep


Active Member
what do you guys think of the lights that are on tracks that travel back and forth vs. just having stationary lights? with the lights going back and forth can you get the same effect as if you had several lights? has anybody experimented with this?
Ive had a light mover hooked up for about a month now, but never turned it one, not till the babies get bigger
it would be nice to have a few sure, but hte cost of the whole mounting adn getting the cords in line and not tangling, electricty will also doublw, those lights are not light. lol
for a big dcommercial operation sure they make sense, but only 1-45 plants, a few lights will do just fine.
i thonk light movers are only needed when you grow a lot of plants(i mean warehouse style) other wise no point, unless you love gadgets.
it would be nice to have a few sure, but hte cost of the whole mounting adn getting the cords in line and not tangling, electricty will also doublw, those lights are not light. lol
for a big dcommercial operation sure they make sense, but only 1-45 plants, a few lights will do just fine.

but if u had like 95 plants would you say the rail is more beneficial ? how will the electricty double? were you talking about the rail or stationary?
A light rail will increase your lights coverage up to 1.7 times more sq ft than a stationary light. Also the plants receive get better overall coverage. They are not that cumbersome to install or use. And they will not double your power consumption as someone here mentioned. Just dont go cheap if you decide to get one. Light Rail 3.5-the bomb.