Travel??? Where did you go??

the calm

Active Member
where have you traveled to? what was awesome about it? I really wanna go travel as soon as i finish school, any suggestions of some sweet places? I already fer sure wanna go somewhere to surf, and scuba dive, but other than that, maybe like Thailand or somewhere? what are your experiences around the world??
where have you traveled to? what was awesome about it? I really wanna go travel as soon as i finish school, any suggestions of some sweet places? I already fer sure wanna go somewhere to surf, and scuba dive, but other than that, maybe like Thailand or somewhere? what are your experiences around the world??

I have been to Italy, France, Turkey, Greece, Spain, and England. I think my favorite places were Spain and Greece. Depending on your cash flow and how quick your wanting to go visit places, the Navy is a great way to visit these places for free.
I've been to Mexico, Hawaii, all over the continental US, and all over the Caribbean.
My fav. place to travel to is the Carib., but most of all this tiny little island called St. Marteen. It's fucking great if you wanna go somewhere, do nothing, lay on the beach, drink like a madman, and eat dank food. You can even find drug dealers at the bars on the beaches if you hang out enough.
Studying online may appear like it is all computer science & technical careers, but as the net schooling field takes off, the world of travel & tourism has opened up to it also. Specialists in Travel & Tourism are more in demand than ever as the global economy demands that increasingly people spend increasingly time on the road - or in the air.
One of my favorite spots has been Hawai'i - the Big Island. The food I know, clean sheets every day, awesome weather, glorious sights, and at night the light pollution ordinance meant starry starry skies. cn
My mom and I are taking my granddaughter on a lighthouse tour this summer... yeah.but it's a despencary tour that should break up the bordum allittle
There are many destinations for travel, I like to go Portugal, France, Tuscany, England, Malaysia, Ireland and New Zealand, these are the most well-known. You could choose one or two of these for your tour.
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, California, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Canada, Bermuda, Bahamas, Aruba, Jamaica, Mexico, Cayman Islands, Brasil, France, England, Spain, Italy

Where I would like to go in the next 10 years: Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Australia, Hawaii, Alaska, Madagascar, Argentina, Chile, El Salvador, Belize, St Thomas, A place north of Michigan. :clap:

Im sure Im missing something, but that should sum it up.
I went to the liquor store, I was the first one there, I was there at opening. The owner looked bothered that I was there early waiting for him to show up and open.
in your moms pants !

Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, California, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Canada, Bermuda, Bahamas, Aruba, Jamaica, Mexico, Cayman Islands, Brasil, France, England, Spain, Italy

Where I would like to go in the next 10 years: Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Australia, Hawaii, Alaska, Madagascar, Argentina, Chile, El Salvador, Belize, St Thomas, A place north of Michigan. :clap:

Im sure Im missing something, but that should sum it up.

I hate you. I want to cut you