Trash bags for pots?


Well-Known Member
I have some contractor trash bags that are a thick plastic and should block out any light, so if I put some slits or holes in the bottom can I use them for pots. I am going to do 10 monster trees outside but I want them to get as big as possible so I want larger than a 5 gallon bucket.


Well-Known Member
YOU WONT GET ANY AERATION IN there using plastic and it can trap some heat which isnt good for roots.
I was watching a show on weed that's on netflix and the growers had the outdoor plants in big black bags full of soil if I cut the entire bottom off and let the bottom of the good soil touch the ground would that help at all or is that just a dumb idea lol.


Well-Known Member
I might just have to dig some big ass holes in the ground again time to get a new shovel...