Trap Plants


Well-Known Member
Should be cool, share pics. I let certain spiders hangout around my pots because they trap and kill gnats and any potential thrips. I just caught a wolf spider in my pot last week and when I water the plant he/she runs around while I water to avoid it, It's my little homie at this point. Probably killing all the fungus gnats. haha


Well-Known Member
Got a friend that has predatory plants in his tent. Venus fly traps are just the tip of the iceberg. I think he has a separate tent growing them. All kinds… and adds them to canna tents when necessary


Well-Known Member
I thought about doing this myself - but then I was thinking that the gnats could just infest the predatory plants too


Well-Known Member
"Companion planting" :D

I try to do it outdoors with herbs and veggies, like planting basil alongside tomatoes is my most common. Onions also keep pests away from I think carrots? I have it all written down somewhere, lol.

Never done it indoors though. Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Need lots of them ,sundew etc., just like when how the bad bugs multiply a few wont do anything but trap <10% of 100% of them


Well-Known Member
The bugs will multiply and swarm the traps and/or sticky types eventually smothering them dead full of takes hundreds of traps and stickys in beds near plants to begin trapping, as they can multiply daily and the lone traps dont get family help .


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put anything into a tent that will attract any bugs. The advantage of a tent is that you can create a "sterile" environment. But you have to maintain that environment from the start. Aphids are usually more of an issue outdoors. If you're getting them in a tent, then you need to improve your cleanliness.