

ok ihave a plant that is into week 4 of flowering she was given to me about 6 wks ago and she is in MG. and is having nute burn issues.. i would like to trsansplant into a different pot and try to get rid of some of the MG and replace with some good soil. what do you think about that? good bad risky?? i have posted this on another form but am looking for some more opinions.. thank you


Well-Known Member
I would flush then transplant. I would hope that most of the MG (yuch) would wash away from the roots. I would even go as far as a root bath.


Well-Known Member
dude i actually just transplanted yesterday. Mine also in mg soil. i had a overwatering problem though so i transplanted is fox farm soil left it dry for a day and now it is better. so ya i would say transplant to a bigger pot with low nutrients soil and then add ur own nutes when ur symptoms start to clear. but for ur case transplant flush it and go from there


Well-Known Member
don't do a root bath. u will probably stress ur plant out slowing growth down especially during flowering


Well-Known Member
i would say flush now. then wait a couple days for it to dry up a little bit. But only flush when it needs to be watered again don't flush if ur leaves are droopy from over watering. then transplant when the soil is moist. Not dry not wet but to where the dirt and shit doesn't make a mess. Try not to stress ur plant out so just be careful. good luck


Well-Known Member
are those the plants that are 4 weeks flowering? or did you take those earlier? im just saying because u should have buds by now