transplanting while lst-ing


Active Member
so im about to grow and ive decided im going to l.s.t. my plants. but i got a question, the thing is that im going to have my gals in 4 gallons for 5 weeks then going to transplant into 7 gallons when theyre going to flower.

if i still have ties on my plants when theyre in the 4 gallon can i take them off - transplant - and then re-tie them? or will this just not work at all.

im doing lst for 2 reasons, height and yeild. mainly height


Active Member
its not that. i just dont want to untie them and then have them spring back into their original position. but i figure if i just transplant and then retie right away it should be ok yea?


Active Member
would a red dixie cup to 7 gallon right away be a bit of a jump? like that sounds like a nice idea but how would u water that? little seedling in a 7 gallon