Transplanting soil to non soil. (pics)


Well-Known Member
i know its not weed fuckwit
same shit different stink.
im doil this as a trial befor i plant my white widdow seeds


Well-Known Member
How can you use that plant as a trial? all plants vary when they're grown, they won't grow the same just because you think it will.


Well-Known Member
what happens no plant grows the exact same as marijuana,
weed is a sun loving plant
some plants dont like to be in sun all the time

and i dont fucken appreciate you calling me a fuckwit grow a brain and find the correct forum


Well-Known Member
haha i grow all kinds of shit besides weed just check out my journal i mean cmon this dude dont belong here if he wants to cop an attitude like that


Well-Known Member
ha it the internet. dont get all feisty.

transplant them just as you would any other plant. with water and a grow medium.
everyones poking at you cause its been answered a million times. read the FAQ:peace: