transplanting question


Active Member
i have 3 autoflowers in jiffy pots, everyone says that they suck, they are now 1 week and 3 days old. i think i over watered or did something wrong with them cause leafs started to droop and yellow a little bit. today in the morning nothing has changed much, still droopy, maybe not so yellow anymore.

so i have 2 gallon pots for them prepared, maybe i need to transplant them from those jiffy shitpots?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you did, but growing in Jiffy pots is actually fine for growing seedlings. But to get to your point, it sounds like they are ready for transplant. I generally transplant about this time in the seedling growth, but make sure the roots are nice and healthy before you transplant.


Well-Known Member
You should see the roots sticking out of the bottom of the Jiffy Pots, depending how big the Jiffy Pots are. I would just transplant them if you feel they are ready and they look like they need better nutrients from your soil. What kind of soil will you be using?


Active Member
i'am already using some garden soil, which they had at the grow shop, they wrote that it is good for soil grow. soils npk is 14-10-14 and ph 6.2 i can post micronutrient chart when i'am at home. this soil has some good ingridients, little bit sand, clay, fine silt, lime.
attached picture of how they looked some days ago, practically nothing has changed.



Well-Known Member
It looks like you are over watering your plant, and looking at the picture, you may just want to wait to transplant it. It still will have very small roots at this point, so give it the full two weeks before you transplant. You really have to have patience with your plant, don't over water and give it plenty of light. What kind of light is it under now?


Active Member
each of these is under 30w cfl (6500 or 6400k don't remember exactly) they are 2" from the tops, yesterday i put them a bit higher.


Active Member
I had 4 plants. 2 in perlite, and 2 in Jiffy. Both in a 4 pot DWC. The 2 perlite's were jamming. Jiffy's were turning yellow on bottom leaves and were just not growing. I cut the nets off. It was easy because the roots were not growing through them. I will use their peat, but no more nets or pots. Roots need to grow!:???: