transplanting out of feltpots


Active Member
is it still possible for me to transplant out of a felt pot once the roots have started to grow through the pot, and i so what would be the best way to do it?


Sector 5 Moderator
Absolutely not; you will stunt the plant at best, if not outright kill it. If you want to upcan it just put it in a larger container and put more soil under and around it and leave the roots alone.


Well-Known Member
I start in solo cups and then go 1 gallon fabric. And I do up-pot to 5 gallons. I usually do it before they're poking out though. Either way, I run a plastic butter knife around the outside edge, then carefully shimmy the pot off. I also make sure to give it time to re-coop before it goes to flower.


Well-Known Member
If they've been vegging long enough in that fabric pot, you certanly can! Roll/peel fabric pot off of the root ball. I've never, ever shocked a plant by doing this. Now, i would not recomend doing this to an underdeveloped root system. Shit would fall apart. Thats when i would either wait, or cut it off.


Well-Known Member
The reason for using felt or Jiffy pots is that you don't have to transplant out of them. Now you want to TP? Should of thought of that earlier, eh? BigSteve.