Transplanting Mature Plants Question

So Here's my question...

My plant is currently about 55 days old, and came from bagseed. She is a little bit more then waist high and is just starting to show signs of female preflowers. Recently I saw 2 kids who looked 16-17 years old standing next to my plant which I thought was in a safe spot. I confronted the two kids and they seemed naive and clueless as to growing Marijuana and didn't seem all that interested. Nonetheless this got me very nervous because I don't want them telling some friends who decide to steal my crop, so I want to move the plant to a new location in order to protect its secrecy.

How should I go about transplanting? Is it too late in the game to transplant? I don't want to stress the plant out to much and cause it to turn hermie or die. My plan was to put it into a more shaded spot to allow it to flower quicker. (right now it gets full sun all day-15 hrs) I just want to know what I have to do to ensure I don't damage the plant, and also if it is even a good idea to transplant it when it is this big. Any advice, tips, suggestions, and help is greatly appreciated.


tough situation man. it'd be a little easier if they were in pots. your gonna do some damage to the roots digging it out. better to do it sooner than later. as the further along into budding it is the more damaging the stress would be.

i had a plant bigger than that dug out of the ground by what i assumed was a raccoon (used soil made from ground up fish guts, BIG MISTAKE WHEN GROWING OUTDOORS), but when it was dug out it had no roots still established in the soil and all the roots were visible laying on the ground. I was able to replant it, and after a couple weeks it started growing again. just took a little bit to establish the roots again

try to dig out as much soil around the plant as you can then put it into a bag or a pot right away.


Active Member
this is what i would do. i would go searching for a new location were you would like to put your ladies then remember that spot=)! when its dark out take your ladies and place them in a temporary bucket of soil to you get them to there new location=)! make sure you transplant at night because the roots on your girls are really sensitive to light and that could be a problem if there is indeed light=(!!!! make sure they also get the same light schedule they are currently in, there is no need to put in a dark spot if there already flowering=)! good luck=)!


Your pant should be fine to transport as it should have a strong root base that won't affect moving it. If you are thinking about moving it to a shady area because of the sunlight its a good idea but keep in mind it will still get the sun rays and wont bud until the sun is about 12-13 hours. Its easier to get the roots out with minimal damage when your plant is dry so keep that in mind and just gently lossen then soil before taking it out of the ground. You won;t get all the roots but pulling on heavy soil will damage the plant more then drier lighter soil. Also depending how far you are going with it either transport it by pot with soil or if your just moving it "down the road" take a wet paper towel or something and wrap the roots in that when it comes out. Water it generously or maybe look for a rain day a day or two after you move it. Maybe give it a chem boost as well so it will sustain the shock. Either way it looks healthy enough to move just keep in mind that it will shock it for a few days until the roots take off into its new home. Gl and hope all goes well.