Transplanting just before flowering


Well-Known Member
Okay here's the situation boys and girls I had one male out of my for plants that I planted in the ground, I since chop down that dirty bastard but I had a backup! At my dad's house now I can bring her home since Canada has a four plant limit! Lol she is in a pot and quite small in comparison to the monsters that I've grown,should I just leave her in the pot? the only place for her would be right where the male was and I don't want to damage the plant growing beside because I'll have to dig up the old main roots to put her in the ground , they are 4 in a row well 3 lol. Will putting her in the ground really make a huge difference at this point ? Iv attached a pic of the 4 plants thanks for the input :)



Well-Known Member
Unless theres a reason you want it in the ground i would just leave it in the pot. Is the pot large enough or has the plant outgrown it?


Well-Known Member
Unless theres a reason you want it in the ground i would just leave it in the pot. Is the pot large enough or has the plant outgrown it?
No the seed was poped late so no iv had bigger plants in the same size pots so she has room to grow


Well-Known Member
Then transplanting now would likely be counterproductive. She'd have to deal with transplant shock, and then would start working on her roots instead of her shoots. She'll be stretching soon, and you really don't want to do anything to stunt that if you don't have too.