Transplanting Issue

After moving my plant to another spot, today she looked a little droopy. Should I be worried?

Here are some images before the tansplant:


After the transplant:

11-07-2012.jpg IMAG0054.jpgIMAG0055.jpgIMAG0056.jpg


Active Member
It could be transplant shock. I see a lot of plants wilt after transplanting because they're not getting enough water, make sure they're well watered the first few days after transplanting. Its kinda hard to overwater immediately after you give it a bigger home IMO.


Well-Known Member
It was prob wet and heavy when transplanted, rather than drier than the new soil. Water logged imo and needs to be left to dry. Root complex/tonic would've helped with transplant shock.
It was prob wet and heavy when transplanted, rather than drier than the new soil. Water logged imo and needs to be left to dry. Root complex/tonic would've helped with transplant shock.
Thanks man, So how often should I water it now that its in the earth with new soil? Also I added some pictures of the before if it helps!


Well-Known Member
It has quite Indica leaves. for it to stretch that much it would have been rootbound at transplant. I cn't see any soil in the pic, it looks like it's in another pot inside the big pot due to the width of the branches.

You need to let the roots resume growth after this shock. Might be an idea to stake it with a bamboo stick to support it.
When the pot starts to lighten up then you will know that the plant is using it. U want the roots to grow in search of moisture but U don't want it to dry completely on the first few waterings as it will separate from the new soil. Shade is good for the first couple of days. Run off at this point is also unneccessary for the first few waterings. Then u can start with weak veg food and run-off, completely air dry, then water and so on. PH is important. 6.5 - 7.0 pls :)