Transplanting into a rock wool? I NEEDZ HELPZ!


Active Member
Hey everyone,

I have a seed I started off in a cup. It's doing well, but i'm going to have to transplant soon. I have both soil and the rock wool. Would I be correct in assuming this?

I soak the rockwool in distilled water for 24 hours.

I place soil below and around the rockwool.

I insert what soil I do have and my plant into a hole in the rockwool?


Active Member
whoa... wait a second.. Right now your seedling is in soil but you want to transplant directly into rockwool ? LOL.. are you high right now cuz you're not making any sense... =D


Well-Known Member
Hi Dutch :)

If you allready have your seed growing in soil and its doing ok ... why do you want to ..or need to move it to rockwool ?

Can you take a pic of your seed as it is now and let us see whats happening ?... and maybe tell us a bit more about how you plan to grow ?

Method of growing ..

Enviroment ..

Give us some detail

and how come it says you have 42 posts but i can only find 2 :):confused::?bongsmilie


Active Member
Well...I haven't posted in awhile..Maybe 6 months or more.. I forgot all my log in shit but one day I was stoned and it came to me! lol

Also, sorry if i'm not making much sense, that's probably because i'm NOT stoned :cry:

Here it is..

are you saying putting my plant into a mixture of a rockwool cube and soil after it has started in soil alone would not be a good idea?


Active Member
Leave it in the cup for a while, poke drainage holes in the cup if you have not done so already. Why are you switching to rockwool?


New Member
From what I understand you are supposed to start out in rockwool? Then move to soil if you want.
Am I Right?


Active Member
I'm not switching to just rockwool would soil and rock wool work well?
Not really. If you want to grow in rockwool and then go to soil, you can, but not the other way around. If you started in soil, you pretty much have to keep it in soil. Why would you want to switch to rockwool anyways?
if you mess with the roots of a soil plant, it will usually stress beyond repair and/or die. usually its safer to stick with whatever the pant started in.


Well-Known Member
Needs to be reading more^^^^^^^^


wtf? over.

Get the rockwool out of there, pure crap and you'll see endless ph problems cause I know you probably did not soak and rinse that rockwool in good water before using it. Correct me if I am wrong.

Plant the seed in soil= Dirt Farmer. Keep it there.

If you used vermiculite it would be much cleaner and easier to transfer into dirt but I see no rhyme or reason for that.

But again, if that rockwool was not prepped properly, yer hosed and will have nuttin but troubles.

Do some reading by George F Van Patten aka Jorge.

Matter of fact, do a whole bunch of reading.


Active Member
Yup, you seem to be backwards! What are your future plans for the plant? I suggest leaving it in the cup for a few more days then transplanting in to a bigger soil pot.. Save the rockwool for a later project..

PS. When soaking the Rockwook use normal tap water or RO water with B1, Distilled water is too clean and does nothing for the plant... IMO



Well-Known Member
Yup, you seem to be backwards! What are your future plans for the plant? I suggest leaving it in the cup for a few more days then transplanting in to a bigger soil pot.. Save the rockwool for a later project..

PS. When soaking the Rockwook use normal tap water or RO water with B1, Distilled water is too clean and does nothing for the plant... IMO

darn it nipples, I was waiting to see what he soaked it in.

good call on the no distilled!

rep ya on that one
