Transplanting during flowering from hydro to soil to cure root rot!!


This is a doozy-:shock:

so i built a hydro system that needed some fine tuning. this is the first round using this type of setup so naturally i was aware this could happen.

To sum it all up, my hydro setup cant presently keep rez temps down( a chiller presents its own problems and i dont wish to discuss that avenue), and i have developed a bad case of rot. I've used H202 and Pythoff to try to remedy it, but to no avail. I have physan 20 but refuse to use it as it isnt for consumables. I want to get the strongest and biggest plants out of that system and into soil to salvage the harvest. The girls have been in 12/12 for 3 weeks, but growth has naturally been super slow, and they have just started showing their flowers. Ive got H202 and the pythoff in my res again to curb the rot, but it doesnt seem as effective considering I cant keep my nute temps down. ( i know how to, but thats not my concern).

I need to know how best to get them into soil from hydro 3 weeks into 12/12, If they might survive, and how to continue to heal the roots once they are in soil without using h202 as my soil mix has all the good microorganisms.

I know this is an otherwise very bad idea, but i feel like it is the only way to save them. I need any experienced growers to give me any tips they can. I'm not new at growing, but this would be the first time I've tried something like this.

thanks in advance! D.X.


New Member
Root rot can be cured, I have done it before. I took the effected plants out and washed them under fresh water lightly raking your fingers through the roots. Let the soft, Mushy roots fall off with your hand. Try to trim with sterile scissors if you can. Once you have a clean(er) root ball you can re-pot. Soil isn't really necessary plus they need all the oxygen they can get, Plus only feed with water for a few days. Vigorously clean and sterilize your entire system. I also used Schultz Take-root Hormone on the clean root ball. It has an anti-fungal and promotes rapid growth. I used a finely diluted mix as it may burn, Shock and other wise confuse your girls. I also trimmed some of the limp growth off, It seemed to help because the new ball didn't have to feed as much growth as before, Although if your flowering you may be in deeper than I was.
Best of luck m8, Keep us updated!


Thanks a million eyerguy- Ill give it a go. I think some of the better ones may make it but many of the root systems are pretty bad off. Hopefully the h202 and the Pythoff I added last night would have killed more of it by tomorrow when I transplant. I am definitely curious how much the move to soil will shock them further and perhaps give me hermies. That would suck. Instead of a chiller im just going to get another 1K, and take my chances with the fate of the remaining hydro ones. But as far as my stash that isn't experimental, I grow wick.ED. herb. I just smoked my first bowl of the day and I am so ridiculously high.....mmj and munchies watchin' Lost. How can anybody see that as criminal? Except possibly for my taste in shows.