Transplanting clones from jiffy to coco/perlite


Active Member
I’ve got a couple clones that have rooted and I’ll be transferring them to solo cups filled with coco/perlite. The coco has been double buffered and then flushed until the EC was under 400.
Got a few questions here;
Are the cups ready to take clones now or do I need to run a feed through first?
When do I give the first feed after they are in the solo cups?
And what EC/PPM should the first week of feeds be?
I run Jacks 3-2-1 at about an ec of 1.6 during the run.
I will mix a 1/2 strength mix to use on the seedlings but as soon as they regain some vigor after the transplant, they go to full strength.
Typically, that usually ends up at about a week after transplant.
I run Jacks 3-2-1 at about an ec of 1.6 during the run.
I will mix a 1/2 strength mix to use on the seedlings but as soon as they regain some vigor after the transplant, they go to full strength.
Typically, that usually ends up at about a week after transplant.
My EC meter measures in 4 digits, for example the EC of my tap water is 270 and a strong feed for me is 1300. So would a 1.6 on your meter be 160 on mine or 1600?