Transplantimg quetions


Well-Known Member
I have 2 plants they are a indica strain called god bud and are 24 days old. They are looking ok but are a good bit behind in growth from what i have seen on this site looking at other peoples plants that are about the same age. I have been told i put them in big pots way to early and started them in to hot of soil. They are indoors under a 90 watt led light from htg supply and i am trying to figure out if there is a way to get them to start growing at a normal rate the way they should. They are in 3 gal. Pots and in ff ocean forest soil so my question is would it be better to transplant them back into smaller 4" pots with a better soil suited to young plants or just leave them alone. It's a miracle they look as good as they do i guess with all the things i have done wrong from the start i really needed to find this forum before i started it would have saved me a lot of headaches. Please any and all with suggestions let me know what you think. I do not have a camera to put pics. On here still working on that part. Thanks all for your help and have a great weekend.


Active Member
no don't go back bauty. if they are green and upright then you are doing good,+ people tend to over complicate the simplicity of growing a plant. right now they may look small and even a little silly sitting in the middle of that big ole' pot but they'll grow into them and you just saved yourself a repotting later


Well-Known Member
LOL Ok that is what i was really wanted to hear I was not looking forward to transplanting them again they look healthy to me just not growing as fast as they should or as fast as i want them too. I have figured out today that I am pretty sure I have been giving them to much water when I do water them so I need to let them dry out and cut back on the amount I give them when I water. Thanks for the advice.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
yeah that was some good advise given to you and pretty quick. if you don't mind my suggestion here's what i do, i let my soil go completely dry, then i take my promix in put it in something and break it up as much as possible. after that i take just enough water to dampen, not moisten, then transplant. being that the soil that the plant is in already has dried out, when you transplant into the new soil the roots instantly starts to travel downwards seeking for moisture, continuing growth and exploding at the same time.
if you do what i suggested you can go from 1gal to a 5gal, maybe possibly more, without shocking, stunting or impeding growth. the roots will reach to the bottom of that pot in days and your girls will explode.


Well-Known Member
Well everything you said makes sense to me and was what i was thinking if i leave them alone i might be waiting for weeks and weeks before i can even think about trying to flower them. I just watered last night and i am sure i used to much water so i will have to give them a few days to dry out now. But after they do dry out i think i will try what you say here and hope it all goes well and see if i can get the girls on track. This is my first grow and i have already seen so many things i should have done different but it wont happen next time. Thanks for your help.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
Well everything you said makes sense to me and was what i was thinking if i leave them alone i might be waiting for weeks and weeks before i can even think about trying to flower them. I just watered last night and i am sure i used to much water so i will have to give them a few days to dry out now. But after they do dry out i think i will try what you say here and hope it all goes well and see if i can get the girls on track. This is my first grow and i have already seen so many things i should have done different but it wont happen next time. Thanks for your help.
just let the soil dry about 85% and water til it drain just a little. when you water don't dump the water in the pot water in layers, i.e. you just transplanted into a 3gal and it shouldn't take that much water to moisten the soil, so all you have to do is take 2-3 liters and water it a liter at a time. before you start make sure you break up the first 2-3 inches of the soil, then pour the first liter in and wait 5-10 (10 is better) then add the second liter and so on and so on. make sure you water evenly, doing this method will help you to water better and determine how much water/fertilizer your girls require.
also you just tp, so give it 2-3 weeks before you transplant again. if you can't wait, wait until you see the roots at the bottom of the pot at least before you do. good luck.


Active Member
Mine are on fishing the 3rd week of veg and they are in gal pots. Most are 12-18 in and Ive topped then once already. Next time I suggest going from 4in to 1 gal then to 3gal pots. But yeah there no reason to go backward now jus water lightly


Well-Known Member
Mine are just way behind where they should be and I hope they take off here soon. I am the type of person that there is not much that ever bothers me but these 2 little plants are about to drive me nuts for some reason. They are going to need a few days to dry out after I over watered them a couple of days ago and then I will get the water on track and keep it on track and maybe they will take of here soon. They look really good and healthy just growing very slowly and it is stressing me out big time LOL.
I have learned alot in this forum and my next grow will be much easier and produce better results I think. Thanks for the advice and the best of luck to you on your grow.


Well-Known Member
I'd be looking at those LED lights more than the pot size or the mix.

Just MHO, LED's are the wave of the future, it's just that the future isn't here yet.
