transplanted from ground to container and muddy soil >.<


New Member
yeah the plant wasnt getting the prope sun for half its life and i just pt it in a container today and it has pretty muddy soil. i didnt have any more miracle grow and potting soil so i went in the woods hoping to get compost soil but got muddy shit instead. so i mixed in mulch to try and cause better drainage but i need help on this one.


New Member
0714001541.jpg btw the plant has a couple ate up leaves from bugs and got no direct sunlight ut was all indirect for about a month now. its 3 months old


Well-Known Member
There's always next year. That thing's dead unless you get it in some good soil soon.


Active Member
Yeah that plant looks pretty leggy, and that soil looks like soup. I'm not sure adding mulch is going to help too much. If you keep your plant in that soil medium it's root system will suffocate due to a lack of oxygen, and with that much moisture you run the risk of root rot. I'd repot as soon as possible, but I think your eventual yield will be slim to none. Good luck.


New Member
soup is crap and ur plant looks stretchy not trying to be a dick everyone fucks up at times thoe so its all good


Active Member
Yeah my previous post was pretty negative, sorry man. Like jfa said, we all make mistakes-- it's how we learn. Good soil, nutes and light cycle will help considerably. I'd say give it some love and see where it takes you. Good luck with your grow, cheers.


New Member
thanks lol. yeah i was looking more along the lines of trying to replace the muddy shit i layered over top of the original soil that was around the roots when i transplanted into something better.


New Member
well i found a potting container with dead compost shit at the top from sittin out but i took the top layer off and found marvelous soil. so i got a gardening shovel picked out the muddy shit a few inches poured the other soil on and watered it thoroughly. is it possible the plant will jump back and grow right?


Well-Known Member
It's possible but not likely... Oh well, I think they're a fun plant to grow and experiment with despite yield or no yield. See what happens and report back! Oh, and don't be transplanting it more than you need to, it's very stressful to plants.


New Member
oh i know. i grew it with my other plant in the same pot. they started gettin hug growing really fast so i took the biggest one out planted it in the ground under a tree got no direct sunlight lol and looked wretched so i put it in the pot. i only transplanted as many times as you should to begin with, its just the inner leafing is very slow but since it started gettin sun theyu seem to be growin at a nice pace. i hope this potting soil is gonna do the trick though. i remember when my mom bought the bags of spoil it was very rich in nutrients i just forget the brand


New Member
only reason im soo worried about this plant is because the other ones stem snapped almost off. i put electrical tape around it and it seems to be goin "alright" very slow at growing now and some lower leaves are hangin down more than average but i think is from when the plant toppled over itself the leave that was actually bent downwards as if you were to supercrop it fixed itself so it must mean that the stem is together enough to push stuff up through it lol