transplant to dwc question


Active Member
I am growing with dwc. and im using jiffy pellets to root. after the plant roots should i remove the pellet from the roots or just drop them right in the hydroton? is there a better way to root without a medium? mabey airoponic or some other method?


Active Member
Hey dahman,

Are u still looking for help? I had the same question, I figured it would be better to grow the seeds in rock-wool first, then transplant them into hydroton when they are say, 2 inches tall, basically when you see the roots coming out of the rockwool then transplant them into hydroton, you can use 1.25 L water bottles and cut them in half, and poke holes at the bottom for proper drainage. Also you can experiment with other things as well, but rock-wool and hydroton have worked pretty well for me. Hope this helps hey, Peace